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Now United lyrics
Beautiful Life [Portuguese translation]
Vida linda Vida linda Olho pra você e vejo milhões de estrelas Estou tão feliz por você ter vindo e roubado meu coração Tudo pelo melhor, tudo pelo be...
Beautiful Life [Russian translation]
Прекрасная жизнь (х2) Я смотрю на тебя и вижу миллион звезд Какая радость, что ты пришла и похитила мое сердце То ли к лучшему то ли во благо Мост: Ег...
Better lyrics
Tell me, love, what is on your mind Tell me why, why 'Cause I've seen you before (oh you flawless got me lost in this eyes) Yeah, I've seen you before...
Better [French translation]
Dis moi, mon amour, à quoi tu penses Dis moi pourquoi, pourquoi Parce que je ne te reconnais plus (oh ta perfection me fais me perdre dans ton regard)...
Better [Hungarian translation]
Mondd el, szívem, mi jár a fejedben Mondd el miért, miért Mert láttalak mielőtt (oh te hibátlan vagy elvesztem ezekben a szemekben) Yeah, láttalak mie...
Better [Portuguese translation]
Diga-me, amor, o que está em sua mente Diga-me por quê, por quê Porque eu já te vi antes (oh você, impecável, me tem perdido em seus olhos) Sim, porqu...
Birthday lyrics
It's your birthday Wherever you are Take a picture 'Cuz today you're star You can do whatever you wanna do This twenty four hours are all 'bout you It...
By My Side lyrics
Everybody needs someone to hold them down As long as you're with me, that's how it's gonna be You don't have to worry 'cause I'll be around I'll give ...
By My Side [Hungarian translation]
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire, aki lenyugtassa Mindaddig, amíg te velem vagy, ez így lesz Nem kell aggódnod, mert itt leszek Adok neked A-tól Z-ig...
By My Side [Portuguese translation]
Todo mundo precisa de alguém para se segurar Enquanto tu estiver comigo, é assim que vai ser Tu não precisa se preocupar porque vou estar por perto Te...
Chained Up lyrics
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Met a girl, said she from L.A Somewhere deep in the valley L.A No cool, she a wild thing Cool, she a wil...
Chained Up [Hungarian translation]
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Találkoztam aúegy lánnyal, azt mondta L.A-ből van Valahol mélyen a L.A-i völgyben Nem menő, ő egy vad do...
Come Together lyrics
What are we doing? Where are we now? What is the reason why we knock each other down? Why are you lonely? What do you need? What will it take to make ...
Come Together [Hungarian translation]
Mit csinálunk? Hol tartunk most? Mi az oka annak, hogy egyre mélyebbre ütjük egymást? Miért vagy magányos? Mit akarsz? Mi kell ahhoz, hogy leszálljunk...
Copacabana lyrics
Copacabana, that's where I wanna Be, at tonight, and party toda a semana Let's try to find a girl from Ipanema I want that one that got a ...
Crazy Stupid Silly Love lyrics
Knock, knock on my door Work, work me, amor (she's there saying) Make love, not a war Ain't that what it's all for? Yeah, yeah Walk, walk through the ...
Crazy Stupid Silly Love [Hungarian translation]
Kopp, kopp az ajtómon Munka, munka, mi amor (ezt mondja) "Szeress, ne háborúzz" Nem ezért van ez az egész? Yeah, yeah Séta, séta a tűzön Beszélni, bes...
Dabke lyrics
Can you feel the rythym in the show? And you with party, lost control Live the whole in summer The rising wide in your back Move your feeth, right lik...
Dana Dana lyrics
[Verse 1: Noah, Bailey, Diarra, Diarra & Noah] The sun and the moon A billion stars above This feeling that we share Our hearts are beating as one The...
Dana Dana [Hungarian translation]
[Verzé 1: Noah, Bailey, Diarra, Diarra & Noah] A nap és a hold A milliárd csillag felett Ez az az érzés, hogy osszuk meg A szívünk és ez az ütem egy A...
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