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Glennis Grace lyrics
Engel zonder vleugels [German translation]
Jeden Tag das Lächeln Und manchmal vielleicht auch eine Träne Du sorgst dich wirklich um jeder, Ruhst dich niemals aus Bist immer für mich da Für alle...
Engel zonder vleugels [Portuguese translation]
Todos os dias aquele sorriso E às vezes talvez uma lágrima Tu realmente importas-te com todos Nunca encontras descanso Estás sempre pronta para mim Po...
Engel zonder vleugels [Romanian translation]
În fiecare zi acel zâmbet, Şi câteodată poate şi o lacrimă Chiar îţi pasă de toată lumea, Nu te odihneşti niciodată Eşti mereu acolo pentru mine, Pent...
Hou van mij lyrics
Je wilt niet weten hoe ik nachten lig te malen ik ben onzeker en de twijfel maakt me moe hoe kan ik zorgen dat jou vlinders niet verdwalen ze vliegen ...
Hou van mij [English translation]
You don't want to know how I'm thinking for nights I'm uncertain and the doubt tires me How can I take care that your butterfly's don't get lost They'...
Hou van mij [German translation]
Du willst nicht wissen, wie ich nächtelang nachdenke Ich bin unsicher und der Zweifel macht mich müde Wie kann ich mich dafür sorgen, dass deine Schme...
I'm gonna be strong lyrics
I can see you're slipping away from me And you're so afraid I'll plead with you to stay But I'm gonna be strong and let you go your way Our love is go...
I'm gonna be strong [Romanian translation]
I can see you're slipping away from me And you're so afraid I'll plead with you to stay But I'm gonna be strong and let you go your way Our love is go...
I'm gonna be strong [Spanish translation]
I can see you're slipping away from me And you're so afraid I'll plead with you to stay But I'm gonna be strong and let you go your way Our love is go...
Ik ben niet van jou lyrics
het spel is over alles wat je zei, het ging niet om mij je hebt verloren, wat je niet bezat ook al dacht je dat m'n ogen sluiten de rest van m'n leven...
Ik ben niet van jou [English translation]
The game is over All that you're saying - it wasn't about me You lost what didn't belong to you Although you thought it did My eyes are closing for th...
Ik ben niet van jou [Portuguese translation]
O jogo acabou Tudo o que você disse, não era para mim Você perdeu aquilo que não te pertencia Mesmo que você acreditasse que sim Meus olhos estão se f...
Ik ben niet van jou [Romanian translation]
Jocul s-a sfârşit, Tot ceea ce spui acum n-a avut nimic de-a face cu mine Ai pierdut ceva ce n-ai avut niciodată, Deşi credeai că îţi aparţinea. Ochii...
Ik kan het niet alleen lyrics
Veel doet me pijn Veel van dit leven Ik voel me zo klein Want het raakt mij steeds meer Voel me machteloos Boos van binnen, want ik kan het niet allee...
Ik kan het niet alleen [English translation]
There are a lot of things that cause me pain A lot of things in this life I feel so small Because it keeps touching me more and more I feel strengthle...
My Impossible Dream lyrics
You ‘n' me – we're driftin' far apart Our story has been told Can't you see – the writing's on the wall? I've come in from the cold…and I will follow ...
My Impossible Dream [Greek translation]
Εσυ κι εγω-γλιστραμε μακρια Η ιστορια μας εχει ειπωθει Δε το βλεπεις-ειναι το πεπρωμενο? Εχω ερθει απο το κρυο....και θα ακολουθησω το ονειρο μου Θα π...
Ondanks alles lyrics
Had ik je al gezegd Dat ik je onwaarschijnlijk lief heb en het pijn doet en het pijn doet. Dat ik de woorden niet kan vinden om je domweg te vertellen...
Ondanks alles [English translation]
Have I already told you That it's unlikely for me to love you? And it hurts, And it hurts That I can't find the words To simply tell you What you're d...
Ondanks alles [German translation]
Habe ich dir schon gesagt, Dass ich dich unwahrsheinlich lieb habe? Und es tut weh, Und es tut weh, Dass ich die Worte nicht finden kann, Um dir bloß ...
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