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MIA. lyrics
Uhlala [English translation]
The water, it was always there and will it always be? I sit on the edge and weave myself into every current A rush penetrates through me, occupying al...
Uhlala [Russian translation]
Вода, которая была тут всегда и всегда будет Я сижу на краю и вплетаю себя в каждый поток Журчание проникает внутрь меня, занимает все мои мысли Оно т...
Verrückt lyrics
Ene mene Mietz eenie meanie minie Ich höre Wut auf allen Seiten Ich will das sich die Lager spalten (Right) Ich bin dafür bereit! Seh ich dich will ic...
Verrückt [English translation]
I hear anger on all sides I want to split the camp (Right) I’m ready for it If I see you I will fight I want that your senses expand themselves (Right...
Was Besonderes lyrics
Eigentlich will ich schon lange weg sein Knick in der Optik, Riss in der Zeit im Zufall rennst du in mich rein, als hätten wir darauf gewartet Hab ebe...
Was Besonderes [English translation]
I don't actually want to be away for very long A kink in perspective, a scratch in time Randomly, you run into me As though we'd been expecting it I'd...
Was es ist lyrics
Ich dreh' den Kopf und bin noch müde - ich hatte eine kurze Nacht. Lass' meine Augen zu und frag' mich: Was hat mich um den Schlaf gebracht? Ich fühl'...
Was es ist [English translation]
Turn my head and still feel tired - it was a very short night Just let my eyes close and don't ask what brought me out of my sleep I feel you next to ...
Was es ist [English translation]
I turn the head and am still tired. I had a short night. Let my eyes shut and ask myself: What has brought me around from sleep? I feel you near me an...
Was es ist [English translation]
I turn my head and I'm still tired - I had a short night Keep my eyes closed and don't ask: What has robbed me of my sleep? I feel you close and enjoy...
Zirkus lyrics
Dab dab da da dab dab dada da Augen schließen, Beine strecken, Köpfchen Richtung Himmel recken, Schritte setzen, Raum vermessen Jetzt nur nicht den Te...
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