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Maria Mena lyrics
Crowded Train lyrics
I'm always on your side every time you decide to hide and I'm careful with my steps, never make a move I will regret. And I'm stuck on this crowded tr...
Crowded Train [Romanian translation]
Sunt mereu de partea ta De fiecare dată când te hotărăşti să te-ascunzi Şi sunt atentă la paşii mei Să nu fac niciodată o mişcare pe care s-o regret. ...
Dear... lyrics
I’ll always treasure the naïvety Of the past we've shared. Our bodies grew much faster than our minds, But together we got good at stopping time. My t...
Dear... [Turkish translation]
Paylaştığımız geçmişin Saflığını hep içimde taşıyacağım Bedenlerimiz zihinlerimizden çok daha hızlı büyüdü Ama birlikte zamanı durdurabiliyorduk Gençl...
Eyesore lyrics
The ugly naked truth: She starves me of my youth, And I stand alone until You catch on. I swear it's not by choice. But Ana has this voice, And it cal...
Eyesore [Vietnamese translation]
Sự thật trần trụi xấu xí: Bà ấy bỏ đói tôi suốt cả tuổi thơ, Và tôi đứng một mình cho đến khi Cậu bắt kịp. Tôi thề rằng đó không phải một sự chọn lựa....
Free lyrics
I've been walking around all day, thinking I think I have a problem, I think I think too much I've been taught to hold back my tears and avoid them Bu...
Fuck You lyrics
Slouched behind the keyboard Your fingertips are nails I bet face to face Your social skills surprisingly fail Come a little closer I didn't catch you...
Good and bad lyrics
The one who screams the loudest Whoever holds the torch Takes the room, captures the audience Gets the attention Both good and bad. I never claimed to...
Good God lyrics
Good God, what have I done? Gone and left the only one That ever really, truly, deeply loved me Honestly, how stupid could I be? My poor heart, your d...
Growing Pains lyrics
No one will tell you about the limit They put on how long you can grieve No one will warn you when you're winning How heavy a loss love can be They do...
Growing Pains [German translation]
Niemand wird dir von der Grenze erzählen Die sie dafür ziehen, wie lange du trauern kannst Niemand wird dich warnen, wenn du dabei bist zu gewinnen Wi...
Growing Pains [Greek translation]
Κανείς δεν θα σου πει για το όριο Βάζουν για το πόσο καιρό μπορείς να αντέξεις Κανείς δεν θα σε ενημερώσει όταν νικάς Πόσο βαριά απώλεια μπορεί να είν...
Habits lyrics
I am a creature of habit And I move in circles around you I will admit there's a pattern One I created myself None of my lovers dared leave me I grew ...
Habits [French translation]
je suis routinier ( la routine) et je tourne en rond autour de toi j'admettrai qu'il y a un model celui que je me suis crée aucun de mes amoureuses n'...
Habits [Greek translation]
Είμαι ένα πλάσμα της συνήθειας και γυρνώ σε κύκλους γύρω σου θα παραδεχτώ πως υπάρχει ένα μοτίβο που έφτιαξα μόνη μου Κανένας απο τους εραστές μου δεν...
Habits [Romanian translation]
Sunt o creatură a obiceiului Şi mă mişc în jurul tău, Recunosc că există un tipar, Unul pe care l-am creat singură. Niciunul dintre iubiţii mei n-a în...
Habits [Russian translation]
Я - человек привычки, и хожу по кругу вокруг тебя. Признаю, что это - шаблон, который я создал себе сам. Ни одна из моих любимых не решилась оставить ...
Habits [Serbian translation]
Ја сам створ навике И кружим око тебе Признаћу, постоји калуп који сам сама направила Ни један мој љубавник се није усудио да ме напусти Постала сам н...
Habits [Spanish translation]
Soy un criatura de costumbres, Me muevo en círculos a tu alrededor Admito que es una costumbre Que yo mismo creé Ninguno de mis amantes se atrevió a d...
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