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Lobo lyrics
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo [Croatian translation]
Do danas se sjećam Žarko crvene ilovače iz Georgije I kako bi se zalijepila za gume Nakon ljetne kiše Snaga volje je natjerala taj stari auto da ide Ž...
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo [French translation]
Je me souviens encore aujourd'hui L'argile rouge vif de Géorgie Et comment il s'est collé aux pneus Après la pluie de l'été La volonté de puissance a ...
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo [German translation]
Ich erinnere mich noch bis heute, Wie hellrot der Matsch von Georgia war, Und wie er an unseren Reifen klebte, Nach dem Sommerregen Dieses Auto fuhr m...
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo [Russian translation]
До сегодняшнего дня я помню ярко-красную глину Джорджии. и как она прилипала к шинам колес. после летнего дождя. Эта старая машина работала на силе во...
Rings lyrics
Ring ring, telephone ring Somebody says: "Baby, what ya doing? I've been wondering where you've been Now and then, I think about you and me" There's n...
Rings [Italian translation]
Suona, suona, il telefono suona. Qualcuno dice: “Cara, che cosa stai facendo? Mi chiedevo dove sei stata, ogni tanto penso a te e a me” Non serve a ni...
Stoney lyrics
I've known her since we both were kids, I recall the silly things we did She would want to ride up on my back To keep from stepping on a crack I didn'...
Te amo necesariamente lyrics
Cuando yo te vi llegar Pasaste junto a mí Cuando tú me viste a mí Sentí que tú eras para mí Ahora se que es el amor Algo que nunca imagine Siento una ...
Te amo necesariamente [Russian translation]
Cuando yo te vi llegar Pasaste junto a mí Cuando tú me viste a mí Sentí que tú eras para mí Ahora se que es el amor Algo que nunca imagine Siento una ...
The Albatross lyrics
The man spoke to the albatross What a funny thing you are The man spoke to the albatross Why must you fly so far Today the waves are no ones slaves To...
The Albatross [Turkish translation]
The man spoke to the albatross What a funny thing you are The man spoke to the albatross Why must you fly so far Today the waves are no ones slaves To...
Where Were You When I Was Falling In Love lyrics
When your eyes met mine, I knew that I had better play it cool, I'm doing my best trying to resist 'Cause I ain't no fool. Where in the world did you ...
Whispers in the Wind lyrics
Whispers in the wind Throughout the day Your love calls out to me In its own special way I hear your voice speaking to me Those sweet sounds of love i...
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow lyrics
Tonight you're mine completely You give your love so sweetly Tonight the light of love is in your eyes But will you love me tomorrow Is this a lasting...
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow [Hungarian translation]
Az enyém vagy, együvé válunk ma éjjel, nekem adod szerelmed édes kéjjel Ma este, szerelem csillog a szemedben, de vajon holnap is ott él még szívedben...
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow [Romanian translation]
În seara asta, ești absolut al meu Oferi dragostea ta atât de dulce În seara asta, semaforul gragostei este în ochii tăi Dar mâine mă vei mai iubi? Es...
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