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Johanna Kurkela featuring lyrics
Tuomas Holopainen - A Lifetime of Adventure
To be rich is to still remember To treasure your first dime To have a chance to say farewell Story of your life, time of solitude and strife Freedom o...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Bulgarian translation]
Да си богат е все още да помниш Да цениш първия грош Да имаш шанс да кажеш сбогом [Припев: х4] Историята на живота ти, време на самота и борба Свобода...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Croatian translation]
Biti bogat je još uvijek sjećati se Čuvati svoj prvi novčić Imati priliku oprostiti se Priča tvog života, vrijeme samoće i razdora Sloboda otvorene ce...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Finnish translation]
Olla rikas on yhä muistaa Vaalia ensilanttiasi Olla mahdollisuus sanoa hyvästit Elämäsi tarina, yksinäisyyden ja konfliktien aika Avoimen tien vapaus,...
A Lifetime of Adventure [French translation]
Etre riche, c’est de toujours se rappeler De chérir sa première pièce D’avoir une chance de dire adieu (Refrain x 4) L’histoire de votre vie, l’occasi...
A Lifetime of Adventure [German translation]
Reich zu sein heißt, die Erinnerung Um deinen ersten Cent noch zu schätzen Eine Chance zu haben, Lebewohl zu sagen Geschichte deines Lebens, Zeit der ...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Greek translation]
Πλούτος είναι ακόμη να μπορείς να θυμηθείς Να φυλάξεις την πρώτη σου δεκάρα Να έχεις την ευκαιρία να πεις αντίο (Ρεφραίν x 4) Η ιστορία της ζωής σου, ...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Hungarian translation]
Gazdagon is se felejtsd első filléred megbecsülni , Hogy mondani tudj majd isten hozzádot. REFREN Életed útja Magány és küzdelem ideje. Az északi út s...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Latvian translation]
Būt bagātam nozīmē joprojām atcerēties Glabāt kā dārgumu savu pirmo centu Lai būtu iespēja atvadīties Tavas dzīves stāsts, vientulības un nesaskaņu la...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Romanian translation]
Să devii bogat e să îţi aduci aminte Să preţuieşti prima ta monedă Pentru a avea o șansă de a spune adio. ref. Povestea vieții tale, timp de singurăta...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Russian translation]
Быть богатым - значит все еще помнить, Хранить свой первый заработанный грош, Иметь шанс попрощаться. Припев: (4раза) История твоей жизни, время одино...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Spanish translation]
El ser rico es aún poder recordar Es atesorar tu primera moneda El tener la oportunidad de decir adiós (Coro x 4) Historia de tu vida, tiempo de soled...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Swedish translation]
Att vara rik är att fortfarande minnas Att uppskatta sitt första mynt Att ha en möjlighet att ta farväl (Refräng x 4) Ditt livs berättelse, en tid av ...
A Lifetime of Adventure [Turkish translation]
Hala hatırlanmak için zengin olmak İlk onluğunun üstüne titremek Elveda demek için bir şansı olmak Hayatının hikayesi, yalnızlık ve mücadele zamanı Aç...
Glasgow 1877
"I remember it as if it was yesterday. My papa took me to see the ancestral home of our clan. The desolate castle on Dismal Downs, abandoned since the...
Glasgow 1877 [English translation]
"I remember it as if it was yesterday. My papa took me to see the ancestral home of our clan. The desolate castle on Dismal Downs, abandoned since the...
Glasgow 1877 [Finnish translation]
"Muistan sen kuin eilisen. Isäni vei minut katsomaan klaanimme esi-isien kotia. Yksinäinen linna Ankantaalla, hylättynä 1600-luvulta saakka, nyt sitä ...
Glasgow 1877 [German translation]
"Ich erinnere mich daran, als wäre es gestern gewesen. Mein Papa brachte mich zum Stammhaus unseres Clans. Die verlassene Burg auf Dismal Downs, seit ...
Glasgow 1877 [Italian translation]
"Me lo ricordo come se fosse ieri. Mio padre mi portò a vedere l'antica dimora del nostro clan. Il desolato maniero di Colle Fosco, abbandonato dal XV...
Go Slowly Now, Sands of Time
Go slowly now, sands of time Still have some verses to pour This wonder of life has led me home Like a poet of Scotland once scribed: Home is the sail...
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