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Ben Fielding featuring lyrics
Hillsong Church - All Things New
Your love's making all things new You're working in all for good For the things of this world There is hope renewed In the life that is found in You Y...
All Things New [Russian translation]
Твоя любовь творит всё новое. Всё, что Ты делаешь - во благо Для всего, что есть в этом мире. Надежда возрождается В жизни, в которой Ты присутствуешь...
Hillsong Church - In God We Trust
Verse 1: Overwhelmed but I won't break Through the battle I will say Your grace will be enough Your grace will be enough Under fire but we won’t fall ...
In God We Trust [Chinese translation]
第一节: 被压倒却不破碎 战争中我不断说 你恩典会足够 你恩典会足够 被攻击却不跌落 我们绝不会孤独 你永远会足够 你永远会足够 副歌: 因主我们信 靠他名盼望 我知主绝不会动摇 主与我同在 他已经得胜 我知主绝不会动摇 第二节: 我们跟随你脚印 在未知中仍相信 你在前面行走 你在前面行走 以你旨意...
In God We Trust [Spanish translation]
Agobiado pero no me quebraré En la batalla diré Tu gracia será suficiente Tu gracia será suficiente Bajo fuego pero no caeremos Jamás estaremos solos ...
Hillsong Church - This I Believe [The Creed]
Verse 1: Our Father everlasting The all-creating one God almighty Through Your Holy Spirit Conceiving Christ the Son Jesus our Saviour! Chorus I belie...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Chinese translation]
(第一节) 我永恒天父上帝 创造宇宙万有 全能父王 借以圣灵感孕 诞下爱子基督 我们的救主! (副歌) 我深信於聖天父王! 我信於祢儿主耶稣! 我信於祢的寶貴圣灵! 我神三而为一! 我深信耶稣死而复活! 我们也必复活! 因我深信耶稣荣耀之名! (第二节) 这审判和伸冤者 为我蒙受苦辱 全因祢宽恕我 ...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Korean translation]
영원하신 아버지 창조주 하나님 전능의 주 주의 성령으로 잉태된 주 예수 우리 구원자 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지 득생자 구주 얘수 성령 하나님 삼위일체,내가 믿사오며 몸이 다시 사는 것과 영원히 살 것을 예수 이름으로 믿습니다 심판자 또 구원자 십자가 못 박혀 죄를 사하셨...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Romanian translation]
Vers 1: Tatăl nostru cel veşnic Creator a toate Dumnezeule atotputernic Prin Sfântul Tău Duh Concepător al lui Hristos, Fiul Iisus, Salvatorul nostru!...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Ukrainian translation]
Куплет 1: Наш Отець вічний, Що все створив, Бог всемогутній. Через Твого Духа Святого Народив Христа, Сина, Ісуса, нашого Спасителя. Приспів: Я вірю в...
Reuben Morgan - God Is Able
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [Chinese translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [Croatian translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [German translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [Indonesian translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [Korean translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [Russian translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
God Is Able [Swedish translation]
God is Able He will never fail He is almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Lifted up, He defeated the...
Sam Knock - The Lost Are Found
Everlasting While earthly ages fade In mercy Our God Your kingdom reigns Lord over everything You are near All of the universe at Your feet In the Sav...
The Lost Are Found [Chinese translation]
Everlasting While earthly ages fade In mercy Our God Your kingdom reigns Lord over everything You are near All of the universe at Your feet In the Sav...
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