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James Ingram lyrics
Yah mo b there
Heavenly Father watchin' us fall We take from each other and give nothing at all Well, it's a doggone shame but never too late for change So, if your ...
Baby, Come To Me lyrics
Thinkin' back in time When love was only in my mind, I realize Ain't no second chance You've got to hold on to romance, don't let it slide There's a s...
Baby, Come To Me [Serbian translation]
Misleći nazad u prošlosti Kada je ljubav bila samo u mom umu,shvatam Ne postoji druga šansa Moraš se držati romanse,ne dozvoli joj da isklizne Postoji...
Baby, Come To Me [Spanish translation]
Pensando en el pasado Cuando el amor era sólo en mi cabeza, me doy cuenta de que no hay segundas oportunidades Tienes que aferrarse al romance, no dej...
Just Once lyrics
I did my best But I guess my best wasn't good enough Cause here we are Back where we were before Seems nothin' ever changes We're back to being strang...
Just Once [Hungarian translation]
Minden tőlem telhetőt megtettem, De azt hiszem, ez sem volt elég jó, Mert itt vagyunk, Visszatértünk oda, ahol ezelőtt voltunk. Úgy tűnik, semmi sem v...
She Loves Me lyrics
My love she makes no demands She waits for me with open hands She understands My love gives me all I need She understands the fears in me And when I'm...
She Loves Me [French translation]
Mon amour, elle ne pose pas de questions, Elle m'attend les mains ouvertes, Elle comprend. Mon amour, elle me donne tout ce dont j'ai besoin, Elle com...
She Loves Me [Serbian translation]
Moja ljubav ne zahteva ništa Ona me čeka otvorenih ruku Ona razume Moja ljubav mi daje sve što mi treba Ona razume strahove u meni A kad sam dole Znaš...
Where did my heart go? lyrics
Where did my heart go When did it lose the way How did I let you slip away Why is it so hard to say (The) words that might touch you Make you believe ...
Where did my heart go? [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
Where did my heart go When did it lose the way How did I let you slip away Why is it so hard to say (The) words that might touch you Make you believe ...
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