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Erutan lyrics
Home, Sweet Home [Japanese translation]
我らはさまよい 宮殿で楽しみもした どんなに貧しくとも 我が家に勝るものはない 天からの誘いが我らをあがめる 世界中を探しても 替わる場所はない すばらしい我が家 我が家に勝るものはない 我が家に私は戻る 心の重荷を背負って 心に響く慰めは我が家でのほほえみ もう二度と私はこの家から出てゆかない ど...
No one but you lyrics
See the summer's light, round with rays so bright fading out of sight melting in night Hold me unto you No one but you No one but you Hold me unto you...
No one but you [French translation]
Regarde les lumières d'été Leurs rayons si forts Disparaître à l'horizon Se fondre dans la nuit Serre moi contre toi Seulement toi Seulement toi Serre...
No one but you [German translation]
Sieh des Sommers Licht, Rundum strahlend, so hell, Verschwinden außer Sicht Und schmelzen in der Nacht. Drück mich an dich Niemand außer dir Niemand a...
No one but you [Swedish translation]
Se sommarns ljus Kantat av klara strålar Falna bort Smälta in i natten Håll mig mot dig Ingen annan än du Ingen annan än du Håll mig mot dig Ingen ann...
Rose of May lyrics
her heart underneath cries quietly this part of me I choose not to see what lives must I take for fealty's sake? how much blood must stain this warrio...
Rose of May [French translation]
Son cœur à l'intérieur En silence pleure. C'est la partie de moi Que j'ai choisie de ne voir pas. Quelles vies dois-je emporter Au nom de mon allégean...
Rose of May [German translation]
Ihr Herz im Innern Weint leise: Diesen Teil von mir Will ich lieber nicht sehen. Welche Leben muss ich nehmen Um der Treue willen? Wie viel Blut muss ...
Rose of May [Greek translation]
Η καρδιά της κάτω Κλαίει ήσυχα αυτό το κομάτι μου Διαλέγω να μην δω ποιες ζωές πρέπει να πάρω για χάρη της φημολογίας; πόσο αίμα πρέπει να στάξει τη λ...
Rose of May [Italian translation]
Il suo cuore segretamente piange in silenzio. Questa parte di me ho scelto di non vederla. Quali vite devo prendere per amore della fedeltà? Quanto sa...
Round and round lyrics
I love every flower, every bird, every bee and everything surrounding you and me Be the night around me when the stars fall down we'll watch as the he...
Round and round [German translation]
Ich liebe jede Blume, jeden Vogel, jede Biene, Und alles, was uns umgibt, dich und mich. Sei des Nachts um mich herum, wenn die Sterne fallen, Wir wer...
Secret library Daguerreo [Dagereo, occulta bibliotheca] lyrics
Antiquae paginae narrant Fabulas de antiquis temporibus Spei et virtutis, devotionis et amoris Hic ego sedeo et somnio de futuris Nonne scribent de me...
Secret library Daguerreo [Dagereo, occulta bibliotheca] [French translation]
Antiquae paginae narrant Fabulas de antiquis temporibus Spei et virtutis, devotionis et amoris Hic ego sedeo et somnio de futuris Nonne scribent de me...
Secret library Daguerreo [Dagereo, occulta bibliotheca] [German translation]
Antiquae paginae narrant Fabulas de antiquis temporibus Spei et virtutis, devotionis et amoris Hic ego sedeo et somnio de futuris Nonne scribent de me...
Secret library Daguerreo [Dagereo, occulta bibliotheca] [Italian translation]
Antiquae paginae narrant Fabulas de antiquis temporibus Spei et virtutis, devotionis et amoris Hic ego sedeo et somnio de futuris Nonne scribent de me...
So Far Away and So Near lyrics
On this night the pale moon flies through the endless starry skies So hold me close feel the rhythm of my heart, echoing far Take my hand Lead me wher...
So Far Away and So Near [German translation]
In dieser Nacht fliegt der bleiche Mond Durch den endlosen Sternenhimmel Also halte mich fest Fühle meines Herzens Rhythmus, der weithin hallt Nimm me...
So Far Away and So Near [Romanian translation]
Oh, în noaptea asta luna palidă zboară Printre cerurile înstelate infinite, Aşa că ţine-mă aproape, Simte ritmul bătăii inimii mele răsunând în depărt...
Song of the Goddess lyrics
Ontas kritela nosontolis Virtili varetzuli Kiyetu sanela hala'hui Leilian vo'elus virras Vira notu sontiso Wori melivra o Huisas sanaela hala Rekriato...
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