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Martin Solveig lyrics
Do it right lyrics
[Verse 1] What you doing with my head? I may let you go ahead But you gotta do it right, right, right Show me that you'll make us spin If I let you tr...
Hello lyrics
I could stick around and get along with you Hello It doesn't really mean that I'm into you Hello You're alright but I'm here darling to enjoy the part...
Hello [Catalan translation]
Podria plantar-me aquí i portar-nos bé Hola El que no vol dir que en realitat estigui penjada de tu Hola Tens raó, però sóc aquí, estimat, per gaudir ...
Hello [French translation]
Je pourrais rester dans le coin et bien m'entendre avec toi Salut Cela ne voudrait pas dire que j'en pince pour toi Salut Tu es pas mal mais chéri, je...
Hello [German translation]
Ich könnte dableiben und mich mit dir verstehen Hallo Es bedeutet wirklich nicht, dass ich dich mag Hallo Du gefällst mir, aber ich bin hier, um die P...
Hello [Greek translation]
Θα μπορούσα να μείνω και να τα πάω καλά μαζί σου Γεια σου Στ' αλήθεια αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι μου αρέσεις Γεια σου Είσαι μια χαρά, αλλά είμαι εδώ για να...
Hello [Hungarian translation]
Tipeghetnék körülötted, és jóba lehetnénk, Hello Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy beléd zúgtam, Hello Minden rendbe van, de én azért vagyok itt Kedves, hogy é...
Hello [Italian translation]
Potrei restare ancora un po’ con te Ciao Questo non vuol dire che io stia con te Ciao Sei a posto, ma io sono tua tesoro per godermi la festa Non ecci...
Hello [Portuguese translation]
Eu poderia ficar andando por aí e ficar junto com você Olá Isso realmente não significa que estou a fim de você Olá Você está bem, mas eu estou aqui, ...
Hello [Slovak translation]
Mohla by som sa držať v blízkosti a vychádzať s tebou Ahoj To naozaj neznamená že som do teba Ahoj Máš pravdu ale som tu miláčik aby som si užila párt...
Hey Now lyrics
I'm all alone now, check it out Me and you should take a vacay I got a plan now, we're going out Save your whining for another day Here's the thing I ...
Hey Now [Dutch translation]
Ik ben nu helemaal alleen, probeer het uit Jij en ik moeten eens op vakantie gaan Ik heb een plan, we gaan uit Bewaar je gejank voor een andere dag Hi...
Hey Now [German translation]
Schau mal, ich bin gerade ganz allein Wir beide sollten uns eine Auszeit gönnen Ich habe schon einen Plan, wir gehen aus Dein Gemecker kannst du dir f...
Jealousy lyrics
I can't stand the people after me, don't want anymore jealousy. They pretend to be my friend, they say this forever. Al they set to give their hand, a...
Jealousy [Serbian translation]
Ne mogu vise da podnesem ljude koji me prate,ne zelim vise ljubomore. Pretvaraju se da su mi prijatelji,kazu to je zauvek. Ala su postavili da daje ru...
My Love lyrics
You're in free fall Do you recall catching me hanging 'round? All the people Got me on hold, but I keep waiting for you Look like you need a friend Lo...
Ready 2 Go lyrics
I turn it on, I set the tone I don't know, I'm ready to go I'd show you where , and I knew, you were ready to go Tonight I'm a different guy Forget ab...
Ready 2 Go [German translation]
Ich mache es an, ich gebe den Ton an Ich weiß nicht, ich bin bereit zu gehen Ich zeige dir, wohin Und ich wusste, dass du bereit warst zu gehen Heute ...
Ready 2 Go [Turkish translation]
Açıyorum, tonu ayarlıyorum Bilmiyorum, gitmeye hazırım Nereye olduğunu sana gösterirdim, Ve biliyorum, sen de gitmeye hazırdın Bu akşam başka bir adam...
The Night Out lyrics
Hey baby, what's that sound? I make a few steps and I fall to the ground. It's a long shot but darling couldn't love any more, Come on come on Hey bab...
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