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Cannibal Corpse lyrics
Edible Autopsy lyrics
Wheeled in on a cart, lying dormant not dead Hospital of immortality, butcher their patients bloody red Taken to a dark room, fear of impending doom T...
Encased In Concrete lyrics
Bound blindfolded Thickened liquid soaks my feet it's rising upward Shrieks of panic Hardened liquid traps my feet, insanity is closer I don't want to...
Encased In Concrete [Hungarian translation]
Bekötött szemmel megkötözve Sűrű folyadék áztatja a lábfejemet, és emelkedik felfelé Sikoltások a pániktól Megkeményedett folyadék ejti csapdába a láb...
Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt lyrics
Alive alone now that they've gone dead but unburied I've seen it unfold, terrible scenes of agony Eyes in the darkness Echoing their madness The sight...
Every Bone Broken lyrics
Die, shattered you'll die Bones broken in half Blood flowing freely Limbs severed in hate Brains splattered, demise Skin eaten in wrath Eyes ripped fr...
Evidence In The Furnace lyrics
Stab the knife into the face and then wrench the blade inside Murder this piece of shit Scraps of flesh and severed bone are on the floor, these I mus...
Evisceration Plague lyrics
Experimental pathogens, a devils design The dark side of science breeds a weapon of war Contagious killing and internal distress Homicide or suicide w...
Evisceration Plague [Hungarian translation]
Kísérleti kórokozók, egy ördögi terv A tudomány sötét oldala egy háborús fegyvert szül Fertőző gyilkolás és belső gyötrelem A halál oka gyilkosság vag...
Festering In The Crypt lyrics
Eyes tied tight forever Mouth wired shut forever Body parts dissever. You will see no more Never..... Lowered into the ground You will never hear anot...
Festering In The Crypt [Hungarian translation]
A szemek örökké erősen kifeszítve A száj örökké összezárva dróttal A testrészek leválnak. Soha többé nem fogsz látni Soha... Leeresztve a földbe Soha ...
Firestorm Vengeance lyrics
Venomous blood courses through our veins Poisoned by indignation So much blood on their callous hands Cruelty their ruination Firestorm vengeance Fire...
Five Nails Through The Neck lyrics
Knock him out with chloroform Surreptitious trapping tack Drag the body to the trunk Take the captive to the house and down into the basement Binding ...
Follow the Blood lyrics
Poised and ready to strike Anticipation of the hunt drawing near Fueled by hatred and spite If this don't kill them it will fill them with fear Opposi...
Followed Home Then Killed lyrics
Creeping in the shadows Shadows of the night Wading through the darkness A death before the light Blending in with faces Faces of the night Safe at ho...
Force Fed Broken Glass lyrics
Flesh starts to rip Gouging through skin From the throat Blood gushes Glandular eruption Blistered skin secretion Internal punctures Blood regurgitati...
Force Fed Broken Glass [French translation]
La chair commence à se déchirer, Elle transperce la peau De la gorge Jaillit du sang Une éruption glandulaire Les sécrétions d'une peau pleine de cloq...
Frantic Disembowelment lyrics
Intestines exposed By violent thrusts The innards removed Dissecting the guts To rip through the skin Tissue and muscle Cartilage shredding Draining b...
Frantic Disembowelment [Hungarian translation]
Belsőségek felfedve Erőszakos döfések által A belek eltávolítva Zsigerek boncolása Bőr átszakítása, A szöveté és a húsé Porcok darabolása Véredények l...
Fucked With A Knife lyrics
No escape from your fate Destined to be mine Every night I wait to see In the night, watching Stalking your every move I know when you're alone All al...
Fucked With A Knife [French translation]
Pas moyen d'échapper à ton destin Tu es destinée à être mienne Chaque nuit j'attends de voir Dans la nuit, j'observe J'épie chacun de tes mouvements J...
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