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Thom Yorke lyrics
Daily Battles
The lines are drawn For daily battles The trumpets sound For daily troubles Lock your dreams away And waking up Enough about Your broken heart You're ...
Daily Battles [French translation]
Les lignes sont tracées Pour les batailles quotidiennes Les trompettes sonnent Pour les problèmes quotidiens Enferme tes rêves loin d'ici Et réveille-...
Daily Battles [Greek translation]
Οι γραμμές σχεδιάζονται για καθημερινές μάχες O ήχος της τρομπέτας για καθημερινά προβλήματα Κλείδωσε τα όνειρά σου και ξύπνησε Αρκετά για την ραγισμέ...
Daily Battles [Turkish translation]
Çizgiler çekildi Günlük savaşlar için Trompet sesi Günlük savaşlar için Hayallerini kendine sakla Ve uyan Yetti artık Kırık kalbin Geçit törendesin Gü...
Analyse lyrics
A self-fulfilling prophecy of endless possibility In rolling reams across a screen In algebra, in algebra The fences that you cannot climb The sentenc...
Analyse [Arabic translation]
نبوءةٌ ذاتية التحقيق من الامكانيات اللانهائية وأنت تتدحرج عبر الطريق ملفوفاً بورق كثير بعلم الجبر، بعلم الجبر الأسوار التي لا تقدر على تسلقها الجمل ال...
Analyse [Persian translation]
یک پیش گویی خود محقق کننده از یک احتمال بی پایان در کدهای بالا و پایین رونده روی یک نمایشگر در جبر، در جبر فنس‌هایی که نمی‌تونی از آنها بالا بری کلمات...
Analyse [Turkish translation]
sonsuz bir olasılığın kendini gerçekleyen kehaneti bir perdede yuvarlanan rulolarda cebirde, cebirde tırmanamayacağın çitler uyaklı olmayan tümceler h...
And It Rained All Night lyrics
And it rained all night and washed the filth away Down New York air-conditioned drains Oh, the click click clack of the heavy black trains A million e...
And It Rained All Night [French translation]
Et il a plu toute la nuit et ça a nettoyé la saleté Dans les drains d'air conditionné de New York Oh, le click click clack des lourds trains noirs Un ...
And It Rained All Night [Russian translation]
И дождь шел всю ночь, и смыл всю грязь Вниз по кондиционируемым водостокам Нью-Йорка Клик-клик-клак - грохот тяжелых черных поездов Миллион двигателей...
And It Rained All Night [Turkish translation]
Ve tüm gece yağdı yağmur ve pisliği temizledi New York'un klima borularından aşağı Oh, ağır siyah trenlerin klik klik klak sesi Boşta milyonlarca moto...
Atoms for Peace lyrics
No more going to the dark side With your flying saucer eyes No more falling down a wormhole That I have to pull you out The wriggling, wiggling worm i...
Atoms for Peace [Spanish translation]
Deja de ir hacia el lado oscuro con tus ojos de platillo volador. Deja de caerte por un agujero de gusano del que yo te tengo que sacar. El gusano que...
Atoms for Peace [Turkish translation]
Bir daha karanlık tarafa gitmek yok Uçan fincan tabağı gözlerinle Seni çıkarmak zorunda kalacağım Bir solucan deliğinden aşağı düşmek yok bir daha İçi...
Black Swan lyrics
What will grow crooked, you can't make straight It's the price you gotta pay Do yourself a favour and pack you bags Buy a ticket and get on the train ...
Black Swan [Greek translation]
Ότι θα μεγαλώσει στριφτό, δεν μπορείς να το ισιώσεις Είναι το τίμημα που πρέπει να πληρώσεις Κάνε μια χάρη στον εαυτό σου και ετοίμασε βαλίτσες Αγόρασ...
Black Swan [Italian translation]
Quello che crescerà storto non si può raddrizzare, è il prezzo da pagare. Fai un favore a te stesso: fai i bagagli, compra un biglietto e sali sul tre...
Dawn Chorus lyrics
Back up the cul-de-sac Come on, do your worst You quit your job again And your train of thought If you could do it all again A little fairy dust A tho...
Dawn Chorus [Croatian translation]
U rikverc u slijepoj ulici Hajde, napravi najgore što možeš Odustani opet od posla I vlaka svojih misli Da možeš to opet Malo vilinske prašine Tisuće ...
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