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Unlike Pluto lyrics
Origami lyrics
Changed, from the inside Then pulled apart again, I don’t know why follow the lines Show you where to bend, they’re guiding you Fold me, Folding Til I...
Overwhelmed lyrics
[Verse 1] Sinking underwater Under pressure, paralyzing me It's our generation, broken nation, it consumes me Our collective sadness turns to madness ...
Overwhelmed [German translation]
[Verse 1] Sinke unter Wasser Unter Druck, es lähmt mich Es ist unsere Generation, gebrochene Nationen, es verschlingt mich Unsere kollektive Traurigke...
Painted Dreams lyrics
[Pre-Chorus] I keep it in the shadows (Never tell) Down low (Never tell) You don't know what I'm going through Don't know what I'm going through It's ...
Painted Dreams [German translation]
[Pre-Chorus] Ich lass es in den Schatten (Sag niemals) Tief unten (Sag niemals) Du weißt nicht was ich durchmache Weißt nicht was ich durchmache Es is...
Pocket Symphony lyrics
[Verse 1] And I don't know what to say Your mind is locked in a cage And you threw the keys away Only so many times that I have left to get to you But...
Pocket Symphony [German translation]
[Verse 1] Und ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll Dein Verstand ist gefangen in einem Käfig Und du hast die Schlüssel weggeworfen Nur so viele Male die ...
Poster Boy lyrics
[Verse 1] I had it in my mind And a moment left in a distant time with you (you) A moment left in time [Pre-Chorus] Why should I stop Even though I wa...
Poster Boy [German translation]
[Verse 1] Ich hatte es in meinem Kopf Und einen Moment übrig in einer distanzierten Zeit mit dir (dir) Ein Moment Zeit übrig [Pre-Chorus] Warum sollte...
Regret Roulette lyrics
[Instrumental Intro] [Verse 1] Oh, hypomania Who will betray me, yeah Oh, I’m like uranium But who can blame me, yeah [Pre-Chorus] Cuz I hold onto We ...
Regret Roulette [German translation]
[Instrumental Intro] [Verse 1] Oh, Hypomanie Wer wird mich verraten, yeah Oh, ich bin wie Uran Aber wer kann mir die Schuld geben, yeah [Pre-Chorus] W...
Revenge, And A Little More lyrics
[Intro] I just want revenge [Verse 1] Feel like someone's up to something Betrayal in the air, I'm losing my mind Just another knife in my back Pull '...
Revenge, And A Little More [German translation]
[Intro] Ich will nur Rache [Verse 1] Fühle mich, als wäre jemand auf etwas aus Verrat in der Luft, ich verliere meinen Verstand Nur ein weiteres Messe...
Revenge, And A Little More [Hungarian translation]
[Kezdés] Csak bosszút akarok [1. versszak] Úgy tűnik, valaki rosszban sántikál Árulás a levegőben, elvesztem az eszemet Csak egy újabb kés a hátamban ...
Revenge, And A Little More [Turkish translation]
[Intro] Yalnızca intikam istiyorum [Kıta 1] Birilerinin bir şeyler peşinde olduğunu hissediyorum Havada ihanet var, aklımı yitiriyorum Sırtımda başka ...
Riptide lyrics
[Verse 1] You hit me like a rip tide But I never noticed cuz you always kept it under disguise Lifted up the curtain let me see what was on the inside...
Riptide [German translation]
[Verse 1] Du triffst mich wie eine Springflut Aber ich habe es nie bemerkt, denn du hast es immer versteckt Machte den Vorhang hoch, lass mich sehen w...
Rose Colored Lenses lyrics
[Chorus] Rose-colored lenses are tinting my senses My altered memories, changing how I think Stuck in illusion, it turns to delusion My life is like a...
Rose Colored Lenses [German translation]
[Chorus] Rosafarbene Linsen sind dabei meine Sinne zu vertönen Meine veränderten Erinnerungen, verändern wie ich denke Feststeckend in der Illusion, v...
Rose Colored Lenses [Turkish translation]
[] Pembe lensler hislerimi renklendiriyor Değiştirilmiş hatıralarım, düşündüklerimi değiştiriyor Yanılsamaya sıkışmışları hayale dönüşüyor Hayatım bir...
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