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Keane lyrics
Put The Radio On lyrics
You tell a lie, I'll tell one too It makes it easier to do Such a long time I've thought about you It makes it easier to do Shut all the blinds, hang ...
Put The Radio On [Spanish translation]
Cuentas una mentira, yo cuento una también Hace más fácil hacerlo He pensado en ti durante tanto tiempo Hace más fácil hacerlo Cierra las persianas, c...
Run With Me lyrics
Well, you could write it in the dirt, girl Write it on a ten pound note Everything that I have learned so far Nothing's worth knowing till you know yo...
Sea Fog lyrics
The sun bleeds in, hear the magpie sing for sorrow It makes things better Maybe we'll get to spread our wings tomorrow If luck will let us Can anyone ...
She Has No Time lyrics
You think your days are uneventful And no one ever thinks about you She goes her own way She goes her own way You think your days are ordinary And no ...
She Has No Time [German translation]
Du glaubst, dass deine Tage ereignislos sind Und dass keiner je über dich nachdenkt Sie geht ihren eigenen Weg Sie geht ihren eigenen Weg Du glaubst, ...
She Has No Time [Italian translation]
Pensi che i tuoi giorni siano vuoti, e che nessuno pensi mai a te, lei è andata via, lei è andata via. Pensi che i tuoi giorni siano tutti uguali, e c...
She Has No Time [Spanish translation]
Crees que tus días pasan sin más Y que nadie piensa en tí Ella hace su camino Ella hace su camino Crees que tus días son normales Y nadie piensa en ti...
She Has No Time [Spanish translation]
Piensas que tus días son monótonos Y que nadie se acuerda de ti Ella va a su aire Ella va a su aire Piensas que tus días son normales Y que nadie se a...
She Has No Time [Turkish translation]
Günlerinin olaysız geçtiğini düşünüyorsun Ve kimsenin seni düşünmediğini O kendi yoluna gider O kendi yoluna gider Günlerinin sıradan olduğunu düşünüy...
Silenced By The Night lyrics
In a city like mine, there's no point in fighting I close my eyes, see you and me driving If I am a river, you are the ocean Got the radio on, got the...
Silenced By The Night [Chinese translation]
在這個城市裡如我,沒有爭論的理由 我閉上眼睛,看見你和我正在駕駛 如果我是一條河,那你就是海洋 打開收音機後,讓車輪開始轉動 [合唱] 我們在夜晚沉默了 但你和我我們會再振作起來 從光分開 我想要愛我們過去的習慣 我躺在黑暗中,我感覺自己在墜落 感受你的手在我的背上,聽到你的聲音在呼喚 我力不從心,...
Silenced By The Night [French translation]
Dans une ville comme le mienne, il n'y a pas lieu de lutter. Je ferme les yeux, je te vois et moi qui conduis. Si je suis une rivière, tu es l'océan. ...
Silenced By The Night [German translation]
In einer Stadt wie meiner bringt es nichts, sich zu streiten Ich schließe meine Augen, sehe mich und dich fahren Wenn ich ein Fluss bin, bist du der O...
Silenced By The Night [Hungarian translation]
Egy olyan városban, mint az enyém, nincs értelme a harcnak. Lehunyom szemeimet, látlak téged és önmagam, ahogy vezetek, Ha én folyó vagyok, akkor te ó...
Silenced By The Night [Italian translation]
In una città come la mia, non ha senso combattere Chiudo gli occhi, vedo te e me guidare Se io sono un fiume, tu sei l’oceano La radio è accesa, le ru...
Silenced By The Night [Serbian translation]
U gradu kao što je moj, nema svrhe u svađi Zatvorim oči, vidim ti i ja se vozimo Ako sam ja reka, ti si okean Radio mi je uključen, točkovi su mi u po...
Silenced By The Night [Spanish translation]
En una ciudad como la mía, no tiene sentido luchar Cierro los ojos, nos veo a ti y a mí conduciendo Si yo soy un río, tú eres el océano Enciendo la ra...
Silenced By The Night [Turkish translation]
Benimki gibi bir şehirde, kavga etmenin anlamı yok Gözlerimi kaparım, seni ve beni araba sürerken görürüm Eğer ben bir nehirsem, sen okyanussun Radyoy...
Somewhere only we know lyrics
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand I felt the earth beneath my feet Sat by the river and it made me complete O ...
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