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Keane lyrics
New Golden Age lyrics
Once we had nothing more than the bed that we shared When we were making plans, sketching dreams in the air We were young Now we wake from the dream S...
New Golden Age [Hungarian translation]
Volt, hogy nem volt semmi másunk, csak az ágy, amin osztoztunk Terveket szőttünk, álmokat rajzolgattunk a levegőbe Fitatalok voltunk És most felébredt...
Nothing In My Way lyrics
A turning tide Lovers at a great divide Why d'you laugh When i know that you hurt inside? And why'd you say It's just another day, nothing in my way I...
Nothing In My Way [Arabic translation]
مد متقلب وعاشقان عند مفترق كبير لما تضحكين في حين أعرف بأنك مجروحة في أعماقك و لم تقولين بأنه يوم أخر، لاشئ لأسعى إليه لا أريد الرحيل، ولا أريد البقاء...
Nothing In My Way [Hungarian translation]
Hullámzó ár, Szerelmesek egy nagy vízválasztónál Miért nevetsz, Ha tudom, hogy legbelül megsérültél? És miért mondod, hogy Ez csak egy újabb nap, semm...
Nothing In My Way [Romanian translation]
Un reflux, Îndrăgostiți la răscruce de drum, De ce ai râs Când știu că suferi? Și de ce ai rămas, E doar încă o zi, nimic în calea mea, nu vreau să pl...
Nothing In My Way [Spanish translation]
Un cambio del curso de las cosas, los amantes pasan por una separación. ¿Por qué te reirías cuando sé que por dentro te duele? Y porqué dirías que es ...
Nothing In My Way [Spanish translation]
Un cambio de marea Amores en una gran separación ¿Porque te ries, cuando se que por dentro estas doliendo? ¿Y porque dijiste Es otro dia mas, nada en ...
Nothing In My Way [Turkish translation]
karşılıklı bir akıntı sevgililer büyük bir ayrılığın arasında niçin gülüyorsun ki senin içinde acı dolu olduğunu bilmeme rağmen ve neden böyle söylüyo...
Nothing To Something lyrics
I was floating high above our lives I was looking down from space I was puzzled by the starlight on your face Can I undo all the things I've done Say ...
On The Road lyrics
Have you been feeling that pull? And are you hearing that call? Cause you've got everything that you need to make a start I had a dream of my own Just...
Perfect Symmetry lyrics
I shake through the wreckage for signs of life Scrolling through the paragraphs Clicking through the photographs I wish I could make sense of what we ...
Perfect Symmetry [Hungarian translation]
Roncsok közt kutatok az élet jelei után, Bekezdéseket tekerve át, Fotók közt kattintgatva Bárcsak rájönnék az értelmére annak, amit csinálunk Felégetj...
Perfect Symmetry [Italian translation]
Mi muovo fra le maceri in cerca di segni di vita Scorro tra i paragrafi Clicco fra le fotografie Vorrei poter dare un senso a ciò che facciamo Brucerà...
Perfect Symmetry [Spanish translation]
Revuelvo las ruinas en busca de signos vitales, me desplazo por los párrafos y hago clic en las fotografías. Ojalá pudiera darle sentido a lo que hace...
Perfect Symmetry [Swedish translation]
Jag letar mig igenom vraket efter tecken på liv Scrollar mig igenom paragraferna Klickar mig igenom fotografierna Jag önskar att jag kunde förstå var ...
Perfect Symmetry [Turkish translation]
Hayatın işaretleri için enkaz vasıtasıyla salladım Paragraflar vasıtasıyla tomarlamak Fotoğraflar aracılığıyla tıklamak Keşke yaptığımız şeyi anlamlan...
Phases lyrics
A plan is a work of art A house built to fall apart You're digging for the answers Crawl across the world to find There are just more questions Waitin...
Pretend That You're Alone lyrics
We are just the monkeys, who fell out of the trees We are blisters on the earth We are not the flowers, we're the strangling weeds In the meadow And l...
Put it Behind You lyrics
Times goes by at such a pace It's funny how it's easy to forget her face You hide the cracks, the facts will find you Turn your back and leave the lon...
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