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Keane lyrics
The Frog Prince [Swedish translation]
Jag hörde från en gammal saga Att det simpla hjärtat kommer att prisas igen En groda kommer att vara vår kung Och fula troll våra hjältar Sen så hytte...
The lovers are losing lyrics
I dreamed I was drowning In the river Thames I dreamed I had nothing at all Nothing but my own skin (I dreamed I was drifting On the howling wind I dr...
The lovers are losing [Dutch translation]
Ik droomde dat ik verdronk in de Theems Ik droomde dat ik helemaal niets had niets dan mijn eigen huid. (Ik droomde dat ik werd meegevoerd op de loeie...
The lovers are losing [Greek translation]
Ονειρεύτηκα πως πνιγόμουν Στον ποταμό Τάμεση Ονειρεύτηκα πως δεν είχα τίποτα Τίποτα παρά μόνο την ίδια μου την σάρκα (Ονειρεύτηκα πως αιωρούμουν Στον ...
The lovers are losing [Hungarian translation]
Azt álmodtam, hogy fuldoklom A Temzében Azt álmodtam, hogy semmim nincs, Semmim, csak a saját bőröm Azt álmodtam, hogy sodródom A süvítő szélben Azt á...
The lovers are losing [Italian translation]
Ho sognato che stavo affogando nel fiume Tamigi, ho sognato di non avere nient'altro che la mia stessa pelle. (Ho sognato che venivo trascinato dal ve...
The lovers are losing [Turkish translation]
Boğulduğumu hayal ettim Thames Nehri'nde Hiç bir şeyim olmadığını hayal ettim Kendi derim dışında (Sürüklendiğimi hayal ettim Uluyan rüzgarda Hiç bir ...
The Starting Line lyrics
This town was our lovers' stage But now you can't recognise The streetlights that are daggers to your eyes You can't find your bearings You're slippin...
The Way I Feel lyrics
Well they said you were a bright child Never anything but joy behind your eyes No sign of all the dark clouds Spreading like volcanic dust over your b...
The Way I Feel [Hungarian translation]
Azt mondják, vidám gyerek voltál A szemeidben csak öröm látszott, semmi más Nem látták, hogy jönnek a sötét felhők És vulkáni hamuval szórták tele a k...
The Way I Feel [Italian translation]
Beh, hanno detto che eri un bambino brillante Non c'era altro se non gioia dietro ai tuoi occhi Nessun segno di tutte le nuvole scure Che si diffondon...
The Way I Feel [Portuguese translation]
Bem, eles dizem que foste uma criança brilhante Nunca nada mas alegria nos teus olhos Nem sinal de todas as nuvens negras A espalhem cinza como um vul...
The Way I Feel [Spanish translation]
Bien, decían que eras un niño positivo: nunca tenías más que alegría en tus ojos, ningún signo de los nubarrones que se expanden tal cual ceniza volcá...
The Way I Feel [Spanish translation]
Bueno, dijeron que eras un niño brillante Nunca nada excepto alegría en tus ojos Ninguna señal de todas las nubes oscuras Extendiéndose como polvo vol...
The Way I Feel [Turkish translation]
Parlak bir çocuk olduğunu söylediler Gözlerinin arkasında sevinçten başka hiçbir şey yok İzi yok tüm karanlık bulutların Mavi gökyüzünde volkanik toz ...
The Way You Want It lyrics
From the shelter of your home As you walk into the rain Send a message that you know she'll hear Though she's so far away Even though you have been wr...
The Way You Want It [Italian translation]
Dal rifugio della tua casa, mentre cammini sotto la pioggia, invii un messaggio che sai che lei sentirà, anche se così lontana. Anche se allora tu sba...
This is the Last Time lyrics
This is the last time That I will say these words I remember the first time The first of many lies Sweep it into the corner Or hide it under the bed S...
This is the Last Time [Chinese translation]
這是最後一次 我會說這些話 我記得第一次 那聚多的謊言的第一個 把它掃到一角 或把它藏到床底下 說這些話,它們會走遠 但它們從不會 有些事我不確定 但我卻身陷其中 有些事我現在忘了 但我卻見得太少 最後一次 你隨你喜歡的理由傷害我 你最後的一個謊言 你隨你喜歡的理由傷害我 年月令一切如常 你隨你喜歡...
This is the Last Time [French translation]
C'est la dernière fois Que je dirai ces mots Je me souviens de la première fois Le premier de nombreux mensonges Balaye-le dans le coin Ou cache-le so...
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