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Soundgarden lyrics
outshined [Greek translation]
Ξεπούλησα τις ιδέες μου και συνέχισα το ίδιο έργο, όμως έχει καταντήσει ανιαρή αυτή η ιστορία. Με το που κοίταξα το είδωλο μου στον καθρέφτη, αγανάκτη...
outshined [Spanish translation]
Dejé de ser vendido dejé la película andando, pero la historia se está haciendo vieja, acabo de mirar en el espejo, las cosas no se ven muy bien, veo ...
outshined [Turkish translation]
Satılmış olmaktan kurtuldum Filmi sarmaya devam ettim Ama hikaye eskiyor şimdi Aynaya baktım İşler çok da iyi görünmüyor Kaliforniya'ya bakıyorum Ve M...
Overfloater lyrics
Come on in and take me on an override Stuck inside and up all night at Dave's Trouble's far away, Mother's in the cage Nothing's gonna pinch this nerv...
Power Trip lyrics
I, I want to be A cowboy star upon the screen Oh hey I, I want to drive My cowboy car across the scene Oh hey and I, I want to write The magazines the...
Pretty noose lyrics
I caught the moon today Pick it up and throw it away, all right I got the perfect steal A cleaner love with a dirty feel, all right Fall out and take ...
Rhinosaur lyrics
Standing with my enemy Hung on my horns With haste and reverie Killing with charm Only happy when you hurt Only deadly in a swarm Only healthy in the ...
Room a Thousand Years Wide lyrics
Listen, hear, he is inside One who lives while others lie I close my eyes and walk a thousand years A thousand years that aren't mine It seems he's ne...
Room a Thousand Years Wide [Russian translation]
Слух напряги, внимай: он – дух, Тот, кто живет, пока другие лгут. Смыкаю глаза и иду тысячу лет, Тысячу, что у меня и вовсе нет. Иду, и он рядом идет ...
Rowing lyrics
Don't know where I'm going, I just keep on rowing I just keep on pulling, gotta row Don't know where I'm going I just keep on rowing I just keep on pu...
Rusty Cage lyrics
[Verse 1] You wired me awake And hit me with a hand of broken nails You tied my lead and pulled my chain To watch my blood begin to boil [Chorus] But ...
Rusty Cage [French translation]
Tu m'as réveillé avec tes câbles Et tu m'as frappé avec une main de clous brisés Tu as attaché ma tête et tiré ma chaîne Afin de regarder commencer à ...
Rusty Cage [German translation]
Du rissest mich aus dem Schlaf mit Kabeln Und schlugst mich mit einer Handvoll gebrochener Nägel, Du bandest meine Leine und zogst an meiner Kette, Um...
Rusty Cage [Greek translation]
Με κράτησες ξάγρυπνο και με χτυπούσες με ένα χέρι από σπασμένα καρφιά. Με έδεσες χειροπόδαρα και τράβηξες την αλυσίδα μου για να δεις το αίμα μου να α...
Rusty Cage [Italian translation]
Mi hai svegliato all'improvviso e mi hai colpito con una manciata di unghie spezzate mi hai messo al guinzaglio e hai tirato la catena per guardare il...
Rusty Cage [Romanian translation]
M-ai trezit brusc Și m-ai lovit cu o mână cu unghii despicate Mi-ai pus lesa și ai tras lanțul Să-mi privesc sângele clocotind Dar îmi voi rupe Îmi vo...
Rusty Cage [Spanish translation]
[Estrofa 1] Me despertaste de un salto, y me diste con una mano de uñas rotas, ataste mi correa y jalaste mi cadena, para ver cómo mi sangre empezaba ...
Searching with My Good Eye Closed lyrics
This is my good eye Do you hear a cow? A rooster says Here is a pig The devil says Painted blue across my eyes and tie the linen on And I'm on my way,...
She Likes Surprises lyrics
Girlie dress and making her best She makes up her hair for the 90s Dirty shoes and hiding her blues She's dying to lose what she's finding So easy to ...
Slaves & Bulldozers lyrics
Every word I said is what I mean Every word I said is what I mean Everything I gave is what I need Virgin eyes and dirty looks on What I have and why ...
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