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Children of Bodom lyrics
Black Widow [Russian translation]
вот так! 0гонь! огонь прям из моих глаз не стой,иди тропой из тьмы,ты дикая,такая предатель! мести ночь твоя,да,только для меня теперь всегда,когда уз...
Black Widow [Spanish translation]
(Bien!) (Fuego!) El fuego tiene mas razón que mis ojos No te quedes, vaya a jugar mal, eres tan, tan salvaje (Traidor!) Tu noche de venganza, si, siem...
Blooddrunk lyrics
(They say drinking is a way to die But at the end dying is a way to drink) Unquenchable thirst burns you inside The ruins of already burnt out mind In...
Blooddrunk [Russian translation]
они сказали выпьют и умрешь, но тот конец-конец и для питья сжигает жажда изнутри,ее не утолить сгоревший разум весь в руинах не понимаешь жажду ты св...
Blooddrunk [Spanish translation]
(Dicen que tomar es una manera de morir Pero al final, morir es manera de tomar) Insaciable sed te quema adentro Las ruinas de una mente fundida Inago...
Blooddrunk [Turkish translation]
(Diyorlar ki ölmenin bir yolu da içmekmiş.) (Ama sonunda içmekte ölmenin bir yolu oluyor.) Bastırılamaz susuzluk seni içeriden yakıyor Mahvoluşlar çok...
Bodom After Midnight lyrics
Hang on, got to go Preview what they oughta know Keep your head down and fucking die Wake up, rise and shine Gotta take another pint Dig heads and wat...
Bodom Beach Terror lyrics
Let's go! That's it, where to go? Should I tell you where I wanna go? We'll die there be motherfucking there broad away to be All wilted way, I'll sho...
Bodom Beach Terror [Spanish translation]
Vámanos! Es todo, a dónde ir? Debo decirte donde quiero ir? Muriemos, allí cabrón ser allí fuera estar ** Todo marchito, te mostraré el lugar donde qu...
Bodom Blue Moon [The Second Coming] lyrics
I was a man, that I, seldom long She had a bond to make, to form with you He wanted to gently stroke your hair Its the coming one, the son and the hei...
Children of Bodom lyrics
In the silence of darkness, among the shadows of the dead we hear a wolf howling hungry to wake up children of the graves Unripe Vengeance! The cult t...
Children of Bodom [Hungarian translation]
Halljuk holt árnyak közt, a sötétség csöndjében A sír gyermekeit fölébreszteni egy farkas üvölt éhesen (Éretlen bosszú!) A tisztelet, mi bosszúálláské...
Children of Decadence lyrics
Running under cover of the moonlight shadow death row. At the night we're running wild with no hope for tomorrow... No tomorrow!!! As we're walking th...
Children of Decadence [Hungarian translation]
Rohanok a holdfény borítójának árnyékába Halálos evezés. Az éjszakába Vadul rohanunk a holnap reménye nélkül Nincs holnap nekünk. Úgy sétálunk át a tű...
Children of Decadence [Spanish translation]
Corriendo bajo el abrigo de la luz de la luna Sombras corredor de la muerte. Por la noche nos estamos desenfrenando sin esperanza para mañana... sin m...
Chokehold [Cocked 'n' Loaded] lyrics
Mine field is called the place I'm living in, Carefully watching each and every step I take. Bright white straight jacket chokes me off My eyes are ti...
Chokehold [Cocked 'n' Loaded] [Hungarian translation]
Aknamezőnek hívják a helyet, ahol élek, Gondosan nézve minden egyes lépésem. A hosszú fehér kabát majd’ megfojt, Szemeim elfáradtak… Érzem homlokomon ...
Chokehold [Cocked 'n' Loaded] [Spanish translation]
Campo minado se llama el lugar en donde vivo Mirando todos y cada pasa que camino con cuidado Camisa de fuerza blanco vivo me choque Mis ojos están ca...
Cry of the Nihilist lyrics
Don't care, have faith or mindset Plunder and pillage yet Complain, whine, and cry like a baby Ain't so tough after all You claim that you don't belie...
Damaged Beyond Repair lyrics
Broken down to a deep despair I'm damaged way beyond repair... Fed up, drink up just one more shot Fall down, beat up by warm cuts Fists are broken Ti...
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