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Fight Songs US College lyrics
All Right Now [Stanford University]
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-whoa There she stood in the street Smilin' from her head to her feet; I said, "Hey, what is this? Now maybe, baby, Maybe she's in need o...
Aggie War Hymn [Texas A&M University ] lyrics
Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck Good bye to Texas University So long to the orange and the white Good luck to dear old Texas Agg...
Alabama Crimson Tide Fight Song [University of Alabama] lyrics
Yea, Alabama! Drown 'em Tide! Every 'Bama man's behind you; Hit your stride! Go teach the Bulldogs to behave, Send the Yellow Jackets to a watery grav...
ASU alma mater [Arizona State] lyrics
Where The Bold Saguaros Raise Their Arms On High Praying Strength For Brave Tomorrows From The Western Sky Where Eternal Mountains Kneel At Sunset's G...
Boomer Sooner [Oklahoma University] lyrics
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner Boomer Sooner, OK U! Oklahoma, Oklahoma Oklahoma, Oklahoma Okla...
Chicago Bears Fight Song [University of Chicago] lyrics
Bear down, Chicago Bears, make every play clear the way to victory. Bear down, Chicago Bears, put up a fight with a might so fearlessly. We'll never f...
Come, join the Band [Stanford University] lyrics
Come join the band And give a cheer for Stanford red Throughout the land Our banner waving overhead Stanford for you Each loyal comrade brave and true...
FIGHT FOR O.K.U. [Oklahoma University] lyrics
Oklahoma, Oklahoma Marching on to victory Oklahoma, Oklahoma Red and White we're proud of thee Ever singing victory bringing For the school we're loya...
Fighting Varsity [Purdue University] lyrics
Here's The Fighting Varsity That Wears The Black And Gold. They Fear No Foe And They Hit Them Low. Let's Give Them All Three Mighty Cheers, Rah! Rah! ...
Florida our Alma Mater [Florida University] lyrics
Florida, our Alma Mater Thy glorious name we praise All thy loyal sons and daughters A joyous song shall raise Where palm and pine are blowing Where s...
For the Honor of Old Purdue [Purdue University] lyrics
First Verse: Come Along Let Us Join In A Song. Hail To Old Purdue! On The Wabash She Stands With Her Welcoming Hands, As An Alma Mater True. Far And W...
Forward Rebels [University of Mississippi] lyrics
Forward Rebels, march to fame, Hit that line and win this game, We know that you'll fight it through, For your colors Red and Blue -- Fight, Fight, Fi...
FSU Fight Song [Florida State University] lyrics
Chorus: You've got to fight, fight, fight, for FSU! You've got to scalp 'em Seminoles! You've got to win, win, win, win, win this game, and roll on do...
FSU Victory Song [Florida State University] lyrics
We are on the warpath tonight! Onward Florida State! Show all the world the spirit and might, That the Seminoles create. Stand up for the Garnet and G...
Gamecocks Fight Song [University of South Carolina] lyrics
Carolina, let your voices sing to you we sing our praises high! Ring out! Sing out! On to victory forever fight, we'll do or die. Carolina, fight with...
Go Gators [University of FLorida] lyrics
So give a cheer for the Orange and Blue Waving Forever! Forever pride of Old Florida, May she droop never. We’ll sing a song for the flag today, Cheer...
Go State and Madelon [Michigan State University] lyrics
O Madelon you are the only one O Madelon for you we’ll carry on It’s so long since we have seen a miss Won’t you give us just a kiss? But Madelon she ...
Gold and Garnett [Florida State University] lyrics
Garnet and gold, And may we ever loyal be; As in days of old, Thy daughters bore the torches three. Sons and daughters all, Will know that at the top ...
Hail Purdue [Purdue University] lyrics
(First Verse) To Your Call Once More We Rally; Alma Mater Hear Our Praise; Where The Wabash Spreads Its Valley, Filled With Joy Our Voices Raise. From...
Hail State [Mississippi State University] lyrics
Hail Dear Old State, Fight for that victory today, Hit that line and tote that ball, Cross the goal before you fall, And then we'll yell, YELL YELL YE...
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