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Adelina Ismaili lyrics
Amaneti lyrics
صلاة الله سلام الله (x2) عليك يا رسول الله عليك يا حبيب الله ilmini nallut ante mali (x2) ma ka lan ma ka lan nana tybe amanete x2 tujme këndu kët fej...
Amaneti [English translation]
alejke aresul allah ilmini nallut ante mali x2 my mother has left me full of wills with singing this belief tonight all by willingness my mother has l...
Amaneti [English translation]
My mother left me the last will x2 To sing for Peja tonight with pleasure x2 My mother left me the last will x2 To sing to Lapi people tonight and to ...
Amaneti [German translation]
Seletullah selemullah x2 alejke a habib allah *This part is in Arabic, it's verses from the Kuran (Holy book of Islam) meine Mutter hatte einen Wunsch...
Aromë portokalli lyrics
[V1] Te një portokalle, moj, Të dola unë ty, Lulet e limonit, moj, Të binin në sy. [V1] [Ref] Ule kokën poshtë, moj, Seç, më dogji malli. Vinte era e ...
Aromë portokalli [English translation]
[V1] Te një portokalle, moj, Të dola unë ty, Lulet e limonit, moj, Të binin në sy. [V1] [Ref] Ule kokën poshtë, moj, Seç, më dogji malli. Vinte era e ...
Cigarxhiu im i vogël lyrics
Eshte ftohte ne kete qytet E ai prap shetitet vet Dora e vogel prap eshte ngrije A do ta shes edhe nje kuti? Hyn ngadal me turp shikon Doren e vogel e...
Dil e shih moj bije c'jane ata lyrics
Dil e shih moj bije cjan ata o moj cjan ata - ee epo nisme te vete me ta more baba o more baba dale bije e nenes prit e ca o moj prit e ca - ee
Dil e shih moj bije c'jane ata [English translation]
Dil e shih moj bije cjan ata o moj cjan ata - ee epo nisme te vete me ta more baba o more baba dale bije e nenes prit e ca o moj prit e ca - ee
Dil e shih moj bije c'jane ata [German translation]
Dil e shih moj bije cjan ata o moj cjan ata - ee epo nisme te vete me ta more baba o more baba dale bije e nenes prit e ca o moj prit e ca - ee
Dy motra një frajer lyrics
(Adelina) Une do tja marr syrin do tja vej frajerin e saj per vete do ta bej. Kot e ke te luftosh me ate fytyre te embel ne duart e mija mashkujt behe...
Dy motra një frajer [English translation]
(Adelina) i will take him from her i will put my eye on him i will take her (frajer is a really lose slang term but more or less means guy) i will tak...
Dy motra një frajer [German translation]
(Adelina) Ich werde ihn nehmen mein Auge auf ihn werfen ihren Freund werde ich für mich machen. Es ist sinnlos zu kämpfen mit diesen süssen Gesicht in...
Edhe kete nate lyrics
Edhe kjo nat mua pa ty me shkoj edhe ket nate un per tjeret kendoj a do te vish ndonje her te gezojme vetem un e ti te vallzooojme ref:2 her prap se p...
Edhe kete nate [English translation]
even this night left without you even this night I'm singing about the others will you ever come to enjoy it together to dance just you and me ref (x2...
Edhe kete nate [German translation]
auch diese Nacht verbringe ich ohne dich auch diese Nacht singe ich für andere wirst du jemals kommen das wir feiern (und) nur ich und du tanzen ref: ...
Heroi i tragjedis lyrics
Me duhesh qe ta zhdukesh ket te maske me te cilen po genjem tasht sa vite me rradh dua te shikoj ne sy kur te vdes e qet nga ti se ti je heroi im ,her...
Heroi i tragjedis [Bulgarian translation]
На мястото, за премахване на тази маска , с които аз лъжа , тъй като няколко години. Искам да гледам в очите Аз умра, на qet от вас. Ref: Ref: Че ти с...
Heroi i tragjedis [English translation]
In place, to eliminate this mask with which I lie as several years now. I want to look in the eye I die, the qet from you. Ref: That you are my hero, ...
Heroi i tragjedis [English translation]
I need u,to disappear this mask which we lie now for many years in a row i want to see in your eyes when i die quit by you cuz u are my hero ,hero in ...
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