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Ilse DeLange lyrics
I Still Cry [Serbian translation]
Pravim cveće od papira Dok tama preuzima popodne Znam da neće trajati zauvek Ali ono pravo uvene prerano Refren: I dalje plačem ponekad kad te se seti...
Josiesomething lyrics
Josie said be quiet And she stared into the sun And sent her faith upon a permanent vacation I never knew somebody who could speak like she’s a gun An...
Lay your weapons down lyrics
There's been a lot of miscommunication lately A lot of wait and see and too many maybes And I wanna believe that your faith in me is as strong as it w...
Lay your weapons down [Dutch translation]
Er is de laatste tijd veel miscommunicatie geweest. Veel afwachten en te vaak 'misschien'. En ik wil geloven dat je vertrouwen in mij nog net zo sterk...
Miracle lyrics
Someone put a lock on this old door It's been beaten up and used and more It's been kicked a hundred thousand times It's keeping all the memories behi...
Miracle [Russian translation]
Кто-то закрыл ветхую дверь. Она бита, стара, и да. По ней пинали не раз Храня память за собой. Если ты читаешь между строк. Посмотри за щелью, что вну...
Mirror of the Broken Past lyrics
You took my earth, poisoned my water Blackened my sky, as days got darker Too many tears have fallen down Drowned out the flame, tainted the ground No...
Seven Shades of Blue lyrics
I want to hold you now And listen to you breathe It’s like the ocean sound Whispering through the trees In de hollow of your shoulder There’s a tide p...
So Incredible lyrics
In the middle of the day, when the sun is aching. And I try to make my way, but the sidewalk's breaking. Watch me slip between the cracks, as I fall a...
So Incredible [Azerbaijani translation]
Günün ortasında, haçan ki, günəş güclüdür. Mən yolumu çəkməyə çalışıram, amma səki qırılır. Məni yıxılıb çatların arasına düşdüyüm müddət izləyirən Və...
So Incredible [Romanian translation]
În miezul zilei, când soarele plânge, Iar eu încerc să-mi fac loc, dar trotuarul se întrerupe, Mă vezi dormind printre crăpături, în timp ce cad, cad ...
The Great Escape lyrics
The leaves will fall again The wind comes crawling in The rain with all its sin Captures me again The words it threw my way Filled my soul with pain M...
The Great Escape [Greek translation]
Τα φύλλα θα πέσουν ξανά Ο άνεμος σέρνεται Η βροχή με όλη την αμαρτία της Με αιχμαλωτίζει ξανά Οι λέξεις πέρασαν μέσα από την πορεία μου Γέμισαν τη ψυχ...
When we don't talk lyrics
The silence that's fallen between us Is the loneliest sound that I've ever heard How can we find forgiveness If we can't find the words When we don't ...
When we don't talk [Serbian translation]
Tisana koja je pala izmedju nas je najusamljeniji zvuk koji sam ikada cuo. Kako mozemo da nadjemo oprostaj, ako ne mozemo da nadjemo reci? Kada ne pri...
World Of Hurt lyrics
Day one God smiled, Gave us all the wisdom of a newborn child But by the time we take our first step We've already begun to forget What the heart know...
World Of Hurt [Romanian translation]
În prima zi, Domnul a zâmbit Şi ne-a dat toată înţelepciunea unui nou-născut Dar atunci când am făcut primul pas Am început deja să uităm Ceea ce ştie...
World Of Hurt [Serbian translation]
Dan prvi, Bog se nasmešio, Svima nam je dao mudrost novorođenčeta Ali do vremena kada načinimo prvi korak Već smo počeli da zaboravljamo Šta srce zna,...
You Are The Dream lyrics
I'd lived my life convinced I'd find Your love somehow, some way I held on to the faith that you Would show yourself one day Something in me believed ...
You Are The Dream [Romanian translation]
Mi-am trăit viaţa cu convingerea că voi găsi Dragostea ta cumva, într-un fel Mi-am păstrat credinţa că tu Te vei arăta într-o zi O parte din mine cred...
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