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Ava Max lyrics
Kings & Queens [Russian translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Russian translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Serbian translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Serbian translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Spanish translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Thai translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Turkish translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Kings & Queens [Turkish translation]
Chorus: If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast To all of the queens who are fighting alone Baby, ...
Ava Max - Kings & Queens, Pt. 2
[Chorus: Ava Max & Saweetie] If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast (Saweetie) To all of the quee...
Kings & Queens, Pt. 2 [Turkish translation]
[Chorus: Ava Max & Saweetie] If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toast (Saweetie) To all of the quee...
More Than Words Can Say lyrics
[Verse 1] I told myself I couldn’t do it Face another day when I knew it All too well and all too soon You were taken from my life It's like you get u...
More Than Words Can Say [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] I told myself I couldn’t do it Face another day when I knew it All too well and all too soon You were taken from my life It's like you get u...
My Head & My Heart lyrics
Baby, now and then I think about me now and who I could have been And then I picture all the perfect that we lived 'Til I cut the strings on your tiny...
My Head & My Heart [Arabic translation]
حبيبي، بين الحين والآخر أفكر في ما أنا عليه وما كنت أستطيع أن أكون وثم أتخيل كل الحياة المثالية التي عشناها إلى أن أقطع أوتار كمانك الصغير، أوه واو أص...
My Head & My Heart [Bosnian translation]
Bebo, sada i tada Razmišljam o sebi sada i ko sam mogla biti I tada zamislim svo savršenstvo koje smo proživjeli Dok ne presiječem žice na tvojoj malo...
My Head & My Heart [Croatian translation]
Dušo, tu i tamo Mislim o sebi i tko sam mogla postati I onda zamislim kao savršeno sve što smo proživljavali Dok nisam pokidala žice na tvojoj mini vi...
My Head & My Heart [Czech translation]
Zlato, tu a tam Přemýšlím teď o sobě a kdo jsem mohla být A pak si představuju všechno dokonalé, co jsme prožili Dokud nepřestřihnu struny na tvých ma...
My Head & My Heart [Finnish translation]
Beibi, nyt ja silloin, Mietin itseäni nyt ja sitä, kuka olisin voinut olla Ja sitten kuvittelen kaiken täydellisen, mitä elimme, Kunnes katkaisen pikk...
My Head & My Heart [French translation]
Chéri, maintenant et autrefois Je pense à moi maintenant and à qui j'aurais pu être Et puis, je m'imagine toute cette vie parfaite que nous avons vécu...
My Head & My Heart [German translation]
Schatz, jetzt und damals Ich denke jetzt über mich nach und wer ich hätte sein können Und dann stelle ich mir das Perfekte (Leben) vor, das wir geführ...
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