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St. Vincent lyrics
Huey Newton lyrics
Feelings flash cards Fake knife, real ketchup Cardboard cutthroats Cowboys of information Pleasure dot loathing dot Huey dot Newton Oh, it was a lonel...
Huey Newton [Italian translation]
Sentimenti, schede di memoria, coltello finto, ketchup vero, tagliagole di cartone, cowboy di informazione, piacere punto ripugnanza punto Huey punto ...
I prefer your love lyrics
I, I prefer your love To Jesus Little baby on your knees Cause the world has got you down Name-tagged tourists, sick at the sight of them Tight-walkin...
I prefer your love [Italian translation]
Io, io preferisco il tuo amore A Gesù Piccola bebé sulle tue ginocchia Perché il mondo ti ha buttato giù Turisti con l'etichetta col nome, stufi alla ...
Live in the Dream lyrics
Hello Do you know where you are? You've been out cold We almost called the cops Don't get up Can you count to 10? Oh boy, you're so lucky we found you...
Los Ageless lyrics
In Los Ageless, the winter never comes In Los Ageless, the mothers milk their young But I can keep running No, I can keep running The lost sages hang ...
Los Ageless [French translation]
À « Los Éternelle » ¹, l'hiver ne vient jamais À « Los Éternelle », les mères allaitent leurs jeunes Mais je peux continuer à courir Non, je peux cont...
Los Ageless [Italian translation]
In Los Ageless, l'inverno non arriva mai In Los Ageless, le madri allattano i loro piccoli Ma io posso continuare a correre No, io posso continuare a ...
Los Ageless [Turkish translation]
Los Ageless’da kış asla gelmez Los Ageless’da anneler bebeklerini emzirir Ama ben devam edebilirim Hayır, devam edebilirim Kayıp bilgeler barlarda tak...
Marrow lyrics
Muscle connects to the bone And bone to the ire and the marrow I wish I had a gentle mind and a spine made up of iron Mouth connects to the teeth And ...
Marrow [Russian translation]
Мышца соединяется с костью И кости до гнева и мозга Хотел бы я иметь мягкий ум и позвоночник из железа Рот соединяется с зубами И зубы полны любви и п...
Marry Me lyrics
Marry me, John, marry me, John I'll be so good to you You won't realize I'm gone Marry me, John, marry me, John I'll be so sweet to you You won't real...
Marry Me [French translation]
Marie-moi John, marie-moi John Je serai si bonne pour toi Tu ne remarqueras pas que je suis partie Marie-moi John, marie-moi John Je serai si tendre p...
Masseduction lyrics
Black saint, sinner lady Playin' knockoff soul A punk rock romantic Slumped on the kitchen floor Nuns in stress position Smokin' Marlboros Lolita is w...
Masseduction [Serbian translation]
Црни светац, дама грешница Свирају имитацију соула Романтични панк рокер Скљокан на кухињском поду Калуђерице у спутаном положају Пуше малборо Лолита ...
My Baby Wants A Baby lyrics
My baby loves me like a saint My baby hates when I'm away My baby wants a baby How can I go on? What in the world (What in the world) would my baby sa...
New York lyrics
New York isn't New York without you, love So far in a few blocks, to be so low If I call you from First Avenue Well you're the only motherfucker in th...
New York [Finnish translation]
New York ei ole New York ilman sinua, rakas Niin kaukana muutaman korttelin päässä, niin alamaissa Jos soitan sinulle Ensimmäiseltä avenuelta No, sinä...
New York [Spanish translation]
Nueva York no es Nueva York sin ti, amor Hasta ahora en algunas manzanas, ser tan bajo Si te llamo de Primera Avenida Pues eres el único hijo de puto ...
New York [Turkish translation]
New York sensiz New York değil be sevgilim Yalnız kalmak için şu apartmanlardan biraz fazla uzaklaştım Eğer seni ilk bulvardan ararsam Anla ki bu şehi...
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