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Bad Boys Blue lyrics
Dancing With The Bad Boys lyrics
As you see, like me, we can get you in a groove When you feel, it's real, and will not be confused Standing all alone and as a pair on the floor Keepi...
Dancing With The Bad Boys [Serbian translation]
Kao što vidiš, kao i ja, možemo te uvesti u ritam Kada osećaš, to je stvarno, i nećeš biti zbunjena Stojimo sami i kao da je par na podijumu Nastavi s...
Deep in my emotion lyrics
Your love is like an ocean So deep and stormy like the sea And we are sailing on so free The love that means devotion So full of life and ecstasy The ...
Deep in my emotion [Serbian translation]
Tvoja ljubav je kao okean Tako duboka i burna kao more I plovimo tako slobodno Ljubav znači privrženost Dakle, puna života i ekstaze Ljubav je ogromna...
Do what you do lyrics
You do what you do to me. I need to feel. So be prepared. I want to touch. Wanna taste of your sugar skin. So open up and let me in. Don’t you know th...
Do what you do [Serbian translation]
Radi ono što mi radiš Treba mi da osetim, pa budi spremna Želim da dodirnem, želim ukus tvoje slatke kože Pa, otvori i pusti me unutra Zar ne znaš da ...
Don't Be So Shy lyrics
It’s now or never. Too late or forever. You can love me or you can leave me. Take my heart or you’ll deceive me. Come rain or sunshine. For now’s the ...
Don't Be So Shy [Serbian translation]
Sada ili nikad, prekasno ili zauvek Možeš me voleti ili me ostaviti Uzmi moje srce ili ćeš me prevariti Kiša ili sunce, sada je pravo vreme Pokaži mi ...
Don't Break The Heart lyrics
Don't break the heart that loves you, Don't let the good times that your way. Don't break the heart that loves you, 'Cause you're I need this time awa...
Don't Break The Heart [Serbian translation]
Ne slamaj srce koje te voli Ne propuštaj dobra vremena koja ti predstoje Ne slamaj srce koje te voli Jer jako si mi potrebna ovaj put Ne slamaj srce k...
Don't leave me now lyrics
What have I done ? I feel my world is falling apart. What can I do to find a way to your heart ? What have I done ? I feel abandoned and so alone. I'm...
Don't leave me now [Romanian translation]
Ce am facut? Simt cum lumea mi se destrama Ce sa fac ca sa gasesc drumul spre inima ta? Ce am facut? Ma simt abandonat si singur Sunt pe cont propriu....
Don't leave me now [Serbian translation]
Šta sam uradio? Osećam da mi se svet raspada Šta da uradim da nađem put do tvoga srca? Šta sam uradio? Osećam se napušteno i tako usamljeno Sam sam.Št...
Don't let me go lyrics
A lonely avenue - it's raining in my heart No name no number girl - how can I try a start without you girl I'm lonely as a cloud - oh when your love f...
Don't let me go [Serbian translation]
A lonely avenue - it's raining in my heart No name no number girl - how can I try a start without you girl I'm lonely as a cloud - oh when your love f...
Don't take away my heart lyrics
Electrify my heart, electrify my soul Oh Baby don't, don't lose control Electrify my skin, electrify my brain Oh Baby don't leave me again No matter w...
Don't take away my heart [Serbian translation]
Electrify my heart, electrify my soul Oh Baby don't, don't lose control Electrify my skin, electrify my brain Oh Baby don't leave me again No matter w...
Don't Walk Away Suzanne lyrics
I used to think love's quite as sweet. Used to think when it's so complete. But look at our lives. We shout and we fight. Don't get on the line. On th...
Don't Walk Away Suzanne [Romanian translation]
Obişnuiam să cred că dragostea ta este atât de dulce Obişnuiam să cred că o vom duce la bun sfârşit Dar uită-te la vieţile noastre Strigăm şi ne luptă...
Fly Away lyrics
We're gonna find a stairway to the shining stars tonight We close our eyes just you and I, we're gonna fly We're gonna fly through all the centuries a...
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