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Bad Boys Blue lyrics
Chains Of Love lyrics
I lose my direction. My world is tumbling down. I need your protection. Can't get my feet on the ground. And around goes my mind every night. I've got...
Chains Of Love [Romanian translation]
Mi-am pierdut orientarea Lumea mea s-a destrămat, Am nevoie de protecția ta Nu mai ajung cu picioarele pe pământ... Jur împrejur, mintea mea aleargă î...
Charlene lyrics
Is it her eyes? Is it her smile? Is it her talk? Is it her style? Is it the way she comes to me? I feel so lonely. You can see. She wants my heart. Sh...
Charlene [Romanian translation]
Sunt ochii ei? E zâmbetul ei? E modul în care vorbește? E stilul ei? E modul în care vine la mine? Mă simt așa singur. Poți înțelege. Ea îmi vrea inim...
Charlene [Russian translation]
Это её глаза? Это её улыбка? Это её слова? Это её стиль? Это то, как она подходит ко мне? Мне так одиноко, Это заметно по мне. Ей нужно моё сердце, Ей...
Close Your Eyes lyrics
A First sign. A summer night. She was standing in the rain. A first sign and her smile washed away all my pain. I sat beside her to explain just who I...
Close Your Eyes [Romanian translation]
Un prim semn, o noapte de vară, Ea stătea în ploaie. Un prim semn, și zâmbetul ei Mi-a îndepărtat toată durerea. Am stat lângă ea, doar să-i explic ci...
Close Your Eyes [Serbian translation]
Prvi znak, letnja noć Stajala je na kiši Prvi znak i njen osmeh odneli su sav bol Seo sam ispred nje da samo da objasnim ko sam. Pitao sam je za ime D...
Cold As Ice lyrics
We went a long, long way. We stuck together night and day. And I shared the best I found with you. You were a friend of mine. But sometimes love can m...
Cold As Ice [Latvian translation]
Mēs gājām garu, garu ceļu Mēs iesprūdām kopā naktī un dienā Un es ar tevi dalīju vislabāko, ko atradu Tu biji mana draudzene. Bet dažkārt mīlestība va...
Cold As Ice [Romanian translation]
Am parcurs un lung, lung drum. Am ramas impreuna noapte si zi. Si am impartit tot ce am gasit mai bun cu tine. Ai fost o prietena a mea. Dar uneori iu...
Cold As Ice [Serbian translation]
Išli smo dugim, dugim putom Zajedno smo se zaglavili u noći i danu I podelio sam najbolje što sam našao sa tobom Bila si mi prijatelj Ali ponekad te l...
Come back and stay lyrics
Walk in the rain Tryin' to wash away the pain You went away I made you cry so many days Girl: Where two broken hearts gone to? How can broken hearts f...
Come back and stay [Hungarian translation]
Sétálok az esőben. Próbálja elmosni a fájdalmat. Elmentél. Sok napon át megsirattalak. (Hová tűntek el az összetört szívek? Hogyan találják meg az öss...
Come back and stay [Romanian translation]
Má plimb prin ploaie Durerea încerc sá o sting TU eşti departe... Te-am fácut sá plângi atâtea zile. FATA:Când douá inimi s-au frânt Cum m-ai pot regá...
Come back and stay [Russian translation]
Иду под дождем, Смыть я пытаюсь в дождик боль. Ты прочь ушла, Ведь столько слез ты пролила! Куда деться двум сердцам, скажи? Как разбитым сердцам путь...
Come back and stay [Russian translation]
Я иду под дождем, Пытаясь смыть боль. Ты ушла... Ты плакала из-за меня столько дней. Куда делись два разбитых сердца? Как разбитые сердца найдут дорог...
Come back and stay [Serbian translation]
Hodam na kiši Pokušavajući da sperem bol Otišla si Rasplakao sam te više dana Devojka: Gde su dva slomljena srca nestala? Kako slomljena srca nađu svo...
Dance The Night Away lyrics
Call me. When you need me better call me. Cause loneliness is just a waste of time. Especially at night. Baby. If you're trusting me and maybe. Paradi...
Dance The Night Away [Romanian translation]
Suna-ma. Cand ai nevoie de mine mai bine suna-ma. Pentru ca singuratatea e doar o pierdere de timp. In special noaptea. Iubire, Daca ai incredere in m...
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