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Bad Boys Blue lyrics
Baby Come Home lyrics
Look in my eyes and you'll find out. Just wanna be sure that you know how I feel cause it's true. Oh, baby, I'm crying, just follow your heart. Don't ...
Baby Come Home [Romanian translation]
Uită-te în ochii mei și vei afla. Vreau doar să fii sigur că știi ce simt pentru că este adevărat. Oh, iubito, plâng, doar urmărește-ți inima. Nu ne s...
Baby Come Home [Serbian translation]
Pogledaj me u oči i znaću Samo želim biti siguran da znaš kako se osećam, jer je istina Oh, dušo, plačem, samo prati svoje srce Ne rastavljaj naš svet...
Baby Don't Miss Me lyrics
Oh baby don't cry When day dreams are dying Just try to forget That my heart was lyin' I'm gone with the wind Don't try to find me The tears and the s...
Baby Don't Miss Me [Romanian translation]
O, iubit-o nu plânge Dacá visele s-au risipit Incearcá doar sá uiti Cá inima mea minte... Pe aripi de vânt am plecat Nu incerca sá má gásesti Lacrimi ...
Baby I Love You lyrics
Have I ever told you How good it feels to hold you It isn't easy to explain I know I'm really dying I think I may start crying My heart can't wait ano...
Baby I Love You [Romanian translation]
Have I ever told you How good it feels to hold you It isn't easy to explain I know I'm really dying I think I may start crying My heart can't wait ano...
Baby I Love You [Serbian translation]
Have I ever told you How good it feels to hold you It isn't easy to explain I know I'm really dying I think I may start crying My heart can't wait ano...
Back To The Future lyrics
It's a sad emotion. Think about the days gone by. My head is turning as I surrender. My heart is burning when i remember you. A touch in the dark. A k...
Back To The Future [Romanian translation]
E o emoție tristă Gândește-te la zilele trecute. Gândurile mele se întorc în timp ce mă predau Inima mea îmi arde când îmi amintesc de tine O atingere...
Back To The Future [Serbian translation]
Tužan sam. Mislim na dane koji su prošli Glava mi se okreće kao da se predajem Srce mi gori kada te se prisetim Dodir u tami, poljubac u noći Kako žel...
Bad Reputation lyrics
I hear the voice calling me. We're out on the road tonight. My baby's leaving me. 'Cause I'm never home at night. I had a telephone. I'm in a hotel ro...
Bad Reputation [Serbian translation]
Čujem glas kako me doziva Na putu smo večeras Moja duša me napušta Jer nikada nisam kući uveče Imao sam telefon Ja sam u hotelskoj sobi Neko kuca na m...
Bang Bang Bang lyrics
Sometimes you got to try and know the reason why. Got to change your plans take a chance. Looking in the glass. You wonder how it lasts. Not a day, no...
Bang Bang Bang [Serbian translation]
Ponekad moraš da pokušaš i saznaš zašto Moraš da promeniš svoje planove, iskoristiš šansu Gledajuću u čašu, pitaš se koliko će trajati Nije dan, nije ...
Blue Moon lyrics
Rain in my heart, now we're apart Each hour is a lonely night, it's getting pretty hard How could I make such a mistake? Looking out for new sensation...
Blue Moon [Romanian translation]
Rain in my heart, now we're apart Each hour is a lonely night, it's getting pretty hard How could I make such a mistake? Looking out for new sensation...
Can't Live Without You lyrics
My feelings for you are solid and strong. I know in my heart to whom I belong. This beautiful feeling it can’t be wrong. I know. Cause head over heels...
Can't Live Without You [Romanian translation]
Sentimentele mele pentru tine sunt solide și puternice. În inima mea știu cui aparțin. Acest sentiment frumos nu poate fi greșit. Știu Pentru că m-am ...
Can't Live Without You [Serbian translation]
Moja osećanja prema tebi su jaka i čvrsta Znam to u srcu kome pripadam Ovaj lepi osećaj ne može biti greška Znam Jer od glave do pete padam zbog tebe ...
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