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Bad Boys Blue lyrics
Lady in black [Russian translation]
Пустынное место и такдалеко от дома Я был один, я был так одинок. При свете луны я увидел её лицо Чудесной женщины, одетой в кружево Она позвала меня ...
Lady in black [Serbian translation]
Napušteno mesto i tako daleko od kuće Bio sam sam, bio sam potpuno sam Mesec je sijao, video sam lice Magične žene skroz obučene u čipku Dala mi je zn...
Lady of hearts lyrics
Oh baby where are you? I hear you whispering in my mind. But I can't see you. Tears keep my eyes so blind. Your lady of hearts is gone with the rainbo...
Lady of hearts [Serbian translation]
Oh, dušo, gde si ti? Čujem kako šapućeš u mojoj glavi Ali, ne mogu te videti, suze mi zaslepljuju oči Tvoja dama srce je nestala uz dugu I ostavila te...
Listen to your heart lyrics
You can make it a better place. Now everything is up to you. Just take a look into yourself. The truth is in your heart. I'm sending out an SOS. Can s...
Listen to your heart [Serbian translation]
Možes stvoriti bolje mesto Sada je sve na tebi Samo pogledaj u sebe Istina je u tvome srcu Šaljem SOS Može li iko čuti moj daleki poziv? Šta bih treba...
Little girl lyrics
They're talking in the neighborhood About a sexy hips. OW! She looks a bit like Hollywood Wait till you hear her lips. He's from the other side of tow...
Little girl [Serbian translation]
They're talking in the neighborhood About a sexy hips. OW! She looks a bit like Hollywood Wait till you hear her lips. He's from the other side of tow...
Lonely weekend lyrics
I heard you talking about the state that were living in. And I feel again. I never could win. There I saw you walking. Another lover right by your sid...
Lonely weekend [Serbian translation]
Čujem da govoriš o stanju u kojem smo živeli I ponovo osećam da nikada ne bih mogao pobediti Tamo sam video da hodaš sa drugim kraj sebe Zašto ne može...
Love don't come easy lyrics
Words cannot explain how much you mean to me. I long to hear you say I'll be the one. Long to hear you say that you will take my hand. Tell me pretty ...
Love don't come easy [Serbian translation]
Reči ne mogu objasniti koliko mi značiš Čeznuo sam da čujem kako kažeš da ću biti jedini Reci mi lepa devojko, mogu li biti tvoj čovek? Kroz mnogo stv...
Love is no crime lyrics
When, when you're young When your life has just begun And you feel your world is changing Do not be scared, don't be shy Take your time If you wanna k...
Love is no crime [Romanian translation]
Când, când ești tânăr Când viața ta tocmai a început Și simți cum lumea ta se schimbă Nu-ți fie frică, nu fi timid Nu te grăbi Dacă vrei să știi ce es...
Love is no crime [Serbian translation]
Kada, kada si mlada Kada tvoj život tek počeo I osećaš da ti se svet menja Ne plaši se, ne stidi se Uzmi vremena Ako želiš znati šta je ljubav Oh, lju...
Love me or leave me lyrics
I see a lonesome road that leads my love away from you. I see a distant line of beats. It turns my soul to blue. Don't keep me waiting all these night...
Love me or leave me [Serbian translation]
Vidim pusti put koji odvodi moju ljubav od tebe Vidim daleku liniju otkuvaja To mi rastužuje dušu Ne puštaj me da čekam sve ove noći, odluči se Dakle,...
Love really hurts without you lyrics
You're running around town. Like a fool and you think it is groovy. You're giving in to some other guy. Who gives you the eye. You don't give nothing ...
Love really hurts without you [Serbian translation]
Juriš po gradu kao budala i misliš da je to divno Daješ to nekom drugom dečku Koji te pogleda Meni ništa ne daješ Naslikala si osmeh i obučena si sve ...
Lover on the Line lyrics
I'll be your lover on the line... One day I see I'll see and let you go away One day I think that everything is okay One day I feel that it will hurt ...
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