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Steven Universe (OST) lyrics
Haven't You Noticed [I'm a Star] [Portuguese translation]
Não posso ajudar se eu faço cena Descendo da minha linda limosine rosa. Estou girando cabeças e parando o trânsito, Quando poso, eles gritam e quando ...
Haven't You Noticed [I'm a Star] [Russian translation]
Ничего не могу поделать, если устраиваю спектакль Выходя из своего шикарного розового лимузина На меня оборачиваются, и движение останавливается Когда...
Haven't You Noticed [I'm a Star] [Spanish translation]
No puedo evitarlo si hago en una escena Al bajar de mi limusina rosa y de moda. Hago girar cabezas y detengo el tráfico, Cuando poso, gritan y cuando ...
Haven't You Noticed [I'm a Star] [Spanish translation]
Es imposible no lucirme así Mostrando esta forma de vestir Todos me ven y detengo el tráfico Si poso gritan, cuando hablo todos callan. Sus miradas en...
Haven't You Noticed [I'm a Star] [Turkish translation]
Bir sahnede oynarsam kendime engel olamıyorum Pespembe limuzinimden iniyorum Tüm bakışları üstümde topluyorum ve trafiği durduruyorum Poz verdiğimde ç...
Here comes a thought lyrics
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Catalan translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [French translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Hebrew translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Hungarian translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Portuguese translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Russian translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Russian translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Spanish translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Spanish translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here comes a thought [Turkish translation]
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust Here comes a thought that migh...
Here Comes a Thought [Taiwan] lyrics
Garnet: ……浪花消退,來了一個念頭 ♪Garnet 花一些時間想一想 靈魂信仰愛的力量 花一些時間想一想 靈魂信仰愛的力量 有種念頭 帶給妳不安 別人言語 會讓妳受傷 妳的行為 不再有吸引力 妳說的事 來得措手不及 而妳-… 沒了視線 失了知覺 所有小事情 變得沉重無比 妳困惑不已 擔心妳失...
Heute sollte es die Liebe nur sein [Let's Only Think About Love] lyrics
Mom ist als Diamond einst hier einmarschiert Die Schönheit der Erde hat sie dann fasziniert Später hat sie gegen sich selbst gekämpft Ihren Tod nur vo...
I Could Never Be [Ready] [No Podría Estar Listo] - Latin American Spanish lyrics
No podría estar- No podría estar- No podría estar listo... para esto No podría estar- No podría estar- No podría estar listo... Las cosas pasan y y to...
I'd Rather Be Me [With You] [French] lyrics
J'aimerai être grand, être intelligent J'aimerai que tu saches mes sentiments Quel que soit ton chemin quel que soit ton destin J'aimerai que tu sache...
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