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Goran Bregović lyrics
Ausencia [Romanian translation]
Absența, absența... daca aveam aripi, să zbor in depărtare... daca eram o gazelă, să zbor fără să obosesc. atunci, alături de tine as fi văzut lumina ...
Ausencia [Russian translation]
Если бы у меня были крылья , чтобы летать на таком расстояние Если бы я был газелью, чтобы бегать без устали Тогда бы рядом с тобой я встретил бы днев...
Ausencia [Spanish translation]
Ausencia, ausencia Si tan sólo tuviera alas Para volar a través de la distancia Si tan sólo fuera una gacela Para correr sin cansancio alguno Entonces...
Baila, Leila lyrics
Leila, Leila, dance our memories away Leila, Leila, may the music of your feet Be the only thing that stays Let us drink our sorrows Say goodbye to al...
Baila, Leila [Greek translation]
Leila, Leila, dance our memories away Leila, Leila, may the music of your feet Be the only thing that stays Let us drink our sorrows Say goodbye to al...
Baila, Leila [Italian translation]
Leila, Leila, dance our memories away Leila, Leila, may the music of your feet Be the only thing that stays Let us drink our sorrows Say goodbye to al...
Baila, Leila [Spanish translation]
Leila, Leila, dance our memories away Leila, Leila, may the music of your feet Be the only thing that stays Let us drink our sorrows Say goodbye to al...
Be That Man lyrics
Trickster and Seductress we Tapdancing on mine field every day, In volatile sway, Jung and Freud would kill each other over us, Yet somehow we just st...
Be That Man [French translation]
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} \defta...
Be That Man [German translation]
Der Betrüger und die Verführerin, wir tanzen Stepp auf dem Minenfeld jeden Tag, Im flüchtigen Schwanken, Jung und Freud würden einander töten wegen un...
Be That Man [Hungarian translation]
Szélhámos és Csábító Minden nap a bánya földjén táncolunk, Illékony hullámokon, Jung és Freud megölnék egymást felettünk, Mégis csak valahogy maradunk...
Be That Man [Italian translation]
Siamo ingannatori e seduttori Ballando il tip tap su un campo minato ogni giorno, In un ondeggiamento leggiadro, Jung e Freud si sarebbero scannati pe...
Be That Man [Portuguese translation]
Trapaças e seduções Nós dançando sapateado em meu campo todos os dias Balançando animadamente Jung e Freud iriam matar um ao outro por nós, E ainda as...
Be That Man [Russian translation]
Обманщик и соблазнительница, мы каждый день танцуем чечетку на минном поле в переменчивом влиянии. Юнг и Фрейд убили бы за нас друг-друга. Но так или ...
Bella Ciao lyrics
Mi chiamo Muharem Redžepi Gitano, rifugiato dal Kosovo e l'Italia adoro! Una mattina mi son svegliato, O bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ...
Bella Ciao [Croatian translation]
Mi chiamo Muharem Redžepi Gitano, rifugiato dal Kosovo e l'Italia adoro! Una mattina mi son svegliato, O bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ...
Bella Ciao [English translation]
Mi chiamo Muharem Redžepi Gitano, rifugiato dal Kosovo e l'Italia adoro! Una mattina mi son svegliato, O bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ...
Bella Ciao [Romanian translation]
Mi chiamo Muharem Redžepi Gitano, rifugiato dal Kosovo e l'Italia adoro! Una mattina mi son svegliato, O bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ...
Bella Ciao [Spanish translation]
Mi chiamo Muharem Redžepi Gitano, rifugiato dal Kosovo e l'Italia adoro! Una mattina mi son svegliato, O bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ...
Bella Ciao [Turkish translation]
Mi chiamo Muharem Redžepi Gitano, rifugiato dal Kosovo e l'Italia adoro! Una mattina mi son svegliato, O bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ...
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