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Foo Fighters lyrics
Everlong [Serbian translation]
Zdravo Cekao sam te ovdje Ipak dugo Nocas Unosim se u I odjednom, iz glave je zapjevala Dodji dolje I gubi vrijeme sa mnom Dolje samnom Uspori kako Ze...
Everlong [Spanish translation]
Hola, He estado esperándote aquí Tanto tiempo. Esta noche, Me lancé hacia mi interior Y fuera de lo rojo, fuera de su cabeza, ella cantó. Baja Y consú...
Everlong [Turkish translation]
Merhaba Seni bekledim burada Sonsuzca Bu gece Kendimi içine ve dışına fırlatacağım kırmızının, aklı başında değilken dedi ki: Aşağı gel Ve kafayı bul ...
Everlong [Turkish translation]
Merhaba Senin için bekliyordum burada Çok uzun zamandır Bu akşam Kendimi içine atacağım Ve kırmızının dışına, onun söylediği kafasının dışına Düş Ve b...
Exhausted lyrics
I'm not around that much, running Exhausted And lost If it could be undone, will it Have costed? It's taught And lost Blowing away, we stray wilted Ex...
February Stars lyrics
I'm hanging on Here until I'm gone Right where I belong Just hanging on Even though I watched you come and go How was I to know You'd steal the show? ...
Floaty lyrics
He floats Floats away On the ground He comes back down They float Float away On the ground They come back down She floats Floats away On the ground Sh...
For All the Cows lyrics
I'm called a cow I'm not about To blow it now For all the cows For all the cows It's funny how Money allows All to browse And be endowed This wish is ...
Fraternity lyrics
I'll never be fraternity Another disease fraternity Never believe fraternity Just armies bored in life I'll never be fraternity I'll never need that b...
Free Me lyrics
Free me right now You take me away, take it from me Free me right now You take me away, take it from me, yeah! Beautiful prisoner, left here for dead ...
Friend Of A Friend lyrics
He needs a quiet room With a lock to keep him in It's just a quiet room And he's there He plays an old guitar With a coin found by the phone It was hi...
Friend Of A Friend [Croatian translation]
Treba mu mirna prostorija I brava s ključem da ga zadrži u njoj To je samo mirna prostorija I on je u njoj Svira staru gitaru S kovanicom koju je naša...
Friend Of A Friend [German translation]
Er braucht einen leisen Raum, Mit einem Schloss, um ihn darin zu halten Es ist nur ein leiser Raum Und er ist dort Er spielt auf einer alten Gitarre M...
Friend Of A Friend [Greek translation]
αυτός χρειάζεται ένα ήσυχο δωμάτιο με μία κλειδαριά για να τον κρατάει μέσα αυτό είναι μονάχα ένα ήσυχο δωμάτιο και αυτός είναι εκεί παίζει μία παλιά ...
Friend Of A Friend [Hungarian translation]
Szüksége van egy csöndes szobára Egy lakattal, mi benn tartja őt. Csak egy csendes szoba, És ő ott van. Egy régi gitáron játszik Egy érmével, mit a te...
Generator lyrics
Lately I'm getting better Wish I could stay sick with you But there's too many egos left to bruise Call it sin, you can call it whatever, Eating deep ...
Gimme Stitches lyrics
I can be your right of way So we can get out of here I've always been the one who runs from everyone Cause everyone's just too weird Sink with someone...
Good Grief lyrics
Since I'm putting down All of the true things around but I like it I handed down the crown Given the jewels and the answers of may The thought of bein...
Good Grief [Spanish translation]
Ya que voy a decir Todas las cosas verdaderas alrededor pero me gusta Le di la corona a otra persona Dadas las joyas y las respuestas de mayo La idea ...
Halo lyrics
Good and bad I swear I've had them both, they're overrated But is it fun When you get hold of one Some gone bad And some gone back Good ones all get t...
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