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Foo Fighters lyrics
Best Of You [German translation]
Ich muss noch etwas gestehen, Ich bin dein Narr. Jeder muss seine Ketten brechen, Die, die dich halten. Wurdest du geboren um widerstand zu leisten od...
Best Of You [Greek translation]
Έχω να κάνω άλλη μία εξομολόγηση Είμαι ο τρελός σου Όλοι έσπασαν τις αλυσίδες τους Για να σε κρατήσουν Γεννήθηκες για να αντιστέκεσαι ή για να σε εκμε...
Best Of You [Hungarian translation]
Be kell ismernem valamit, beléd bolondultam. Mindenkinek megvan a lehetősége, hogy ne tartson téged tovább. Arra születtél, hogy ellenállj vagy gúnyol...
Best Of You [Italian translation]
Ho un'altra confessione da fare, sono il tuo stupido. Ognuno a le sue catene da spezzare. Ti sto vicino. Sei nato per lottare o per subire? C'è qualcu...
Best Of You [Italian translation]
Ho una’altra confessione da fare Sono il tuo stupido Tutti hanno le proprie catene da rompere Stringendo te Sei nata per resistere o per venire abusat...
Best Of You [Portuguese translation]
Eu tenho outra coisa para confessar Eu sou um tolo para você Todos tem uma corrente para quebrar Te segurando Você nasceu para resistir ou sofrer abus...
Best Of You [Russian translation]
Должен признаться: Я-твой поклонник Приходит время, когда каждый должен сорвать с себя цепи, Сковывающие его Ты родился для того, чтобы сопротивляться...
Best Of You [Serbian translation]
Moram da ti priznam i ovo Ja sam tvoj glupan Svako moze svoj lanac da pokida Imajuci tebe Jesi li rodjen da se odupres ili da budes zlostavljan? Da li...
Best Of You [Spanish translation]
Tengo algo más que confesar, soy tu tonto. Todos tienen cadenas que romper, esas que te sostienen. ¿Naciste para resistir o para que abusen de ti? ¿Al...
Best Of You [Spanish translation]
Tengo otra confesión que hacer soy tu tonto todos tienen sus cadenas para romper sus cadenas sosteniéndose en ti Para que naciste para resistir o para...
Best Of You [Swedish translation]
Jag har en annan bekännelse att göra Jag är din idiot Alla har sina kedjor att bryta Som håller dig Var du född att motstå eller bli misshandlad? Får ...
Best Of You [Turkish translation]
Bir itirafım daha var Sana deli oluyorum Herkesin kıracağı zincirleri vardır Seni tutan Direnmek için mi yoksa ezilmek için mi doğdun? Birisi senin en...
Better Off lyrics
Breaking the static, a life automatic Everyone mad about you Look like a dirty old bruise, face like a faded tattoo Life imitated, it's only faded Tir...
Big Me lyrics
When I talk about it It carries on Reasons only knew When I talk about it Aries or treasons All renew Big me to talk about it I could stand to prove I...
Big Me [French translation]
Quand j'en discute Ça se poursuit La raison seule comprit Quand j'en discute Lion ou trahisons ont tous rajeuni Grand moi pour en discuter Je pourrais...
Big Me [Spanish translation]
Cuando hablo de eso Continúa Razones que nunca sabremos Cuando hablo de eso Aries o traiciones todos renuevan Grande yo, hablar de eso Siempre podría ...
Breakout lyrics
You make me dizzy running circles in my head One of these days I'll chase you down Well look who's going crazy now We're face to face my friend Better...
Bridge Burning lyrics
These are my famous last words! My number's up, bridges will burn! Oh, won't you let me twist your faith It's gettin' kinda' late and I don't wanna wa...
Bridge Burning [Turkish translation]
Bunlar benim son meşhur sözlerim Numaram hazır, köprüler yanacak! Oh, kaderini çevirmeme izin vermeyecek misin Geç oluyor ve daha fazla beklemek istem...
Burn Away lyrics
I have spent a lifetime Waiting for the chance Save you my confession Save me your last dance The same old superstition Haunt us now and then I'm begg...
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