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Caissie Levy also performed lyrics
Frozen [OST] - Let It Go
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Albanian translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Arabic translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Armenian translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Azerbaijani translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Belarusian translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Bengali translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Bulgarian translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Let It Go [Bulgarian translation]
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I’m the Queen. The wind is howling l...
Wicked [Musical] - I'm Not That Girl
Hands touch, eyes meet Sudden silence, sudden heat Hearts leap in a giddy whirl He could be that boy But I'm not that girl Don't dream too far Don't l...
I'm Not That Girl [Catalan translation]
Les mans es toquen, els ulls es troben Es fa el silenci, es fa el calor Els cors salten en una espiral contenta Ell podria ser aquell noi Però jo no s...
I'm Not That Girl [Danish translation]
ELPHABA: Hænder berøres, øjne mødes Pludselig stilhed, pludselig varme Hjerter springer i en kåd hvirvel Han kunne være den dreng Men jeg er ikke den ...
I'm Not That Girl [Dutch translation]
Handen raken elkaar aan, ogen ontmoeten Plotse stilte, plotse hitte Harten springen in een duizelingwekkende werveling Hij zou die jongen kunnen zijn ...
I'm Not That Girl [Finnish translation]
Kädet koskettaa, silmät kohtaa Äkillinen hiljaisuus, äkillinen kuumuus Sydämet hyppii huikeassa pyörteessä Hän se poika voisi olla Mutten se tyttö oo ...
I'm Not That Girl [French translation]
Les mains touchent, les yeux se trouvent Un silence soudain, un chaleur soudain Les cœurs sautent dans un tourbillon étourdi Lui pourra être ce garçon...
I'm Not That Girl [Italian translation]
Le mani si toccano, gli occhi si incontrano Silenzio improvviso, calore improvviso I cuori sobbalzano in un turbine vertiginoso Lui potrebbe essere qu...
I'm Not That Girl [Italian translation]
Le mani toccano, gli occhi si incontrano Un silenzio d'improvviso, un caldo d'improvviso I cuori saltano in una confusione intonita Lui potrebbe esser...
I'm Not That Girl [Portuguese translation]
As mãos se tocam e os olhos se encontram Silêncio e calor repentinos Os corações pulam em um redemoinho de tontura Ele poderia ser tal garoto Mas eu n...
I'm Not That Girl [Spanish translation]
Las manos se tocan, los ojos se encuentran Un silencio repentino, un calor repentino Los corazones saltan en un tirabuzón alegre Él podría ser ese chi...
I'm Not That Girl [Turkish translation]
Eller dokunur, gözler buluşur Ani sessizlik, ani sıcaklık Kalp sersemlemiş bir şekilde atar O aradığım oğlan olabilir Ama ben onun aradığı kız değilim...
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