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Tercer Cielo lyrics
Yo te extrañaré [English translation]
I will miss you Be assured that I will; they were such beautiful, and such bad moments, which we lived together. The details, the little things that s...
Yo te extrañaré [English translation]
I will miss you, you can be sure of that there were so many beautiful moments that we lived together the details, the small things that seemed unimpor...
Yo te extrañaré [English translation]
I will miss you that’sfor sure There were so many beautiful and difficult times we shared together The little things, the little details that never se...
Yo te extrañaré [English translation]
I will miss you Be assured of that They were so beautiful And bad moments that we lived through together The details The little things that Which didn...
Yo te extrañaré [French translation]
Tu me manqueras Sois en sur(e) Nous avions passé des bons Et des mauvais moments ensemble Les details Les petites choses Ce qui ne semblait pas import...
Yo te extrañaré [French translation]
tu vas me manquer rassure toi on a vecu tantde bon et mauvais moments. les detailles les petites choses tout ce qui semblait pas important c'est celle...
Yo te extrañaré [French translation]
«Je m'ennuie de toi Assurez-vous de Tant de belles Et mauvais temps nous vivons ensemble Détails Les petites choses Ce qui semblait ne te Q Est-ce plu...
Yo te extrañaré [Italian translation]
Tu mi manchi, Questo è sicuro Sono stati tanti i bei E i cattivi momenti che abbiamo vissuto insieme I dettagli, Le piccole cose, Quello che non sembr...
Yo te extrañaré [Romanian translation]
Imi va fi dor de tine Fii sigura Au fost atatea momente Bune si relepe care le-am trait impreuna. Detaliile, Micile lucruri Ce nu pareau sa te interes...
Yo te extrañaré [Serbian translation]
Недостајаћеш ми, буди сигурна, bило је толико лепих и лоших момената које смо прeживели заједно Детаљи, мале ствари које су личиле да нису битне, оне ...
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