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Haddaway lyrics
What Is Love [Swedish translation]
Vad är kärlek? Älskling gör mig inte illa Gör mig inte illa Igen Älskling gör mig inte illa Gör mig inte illa Igen Vad är kärlek? Yeah Jag förstår int...
What Is Love [Turkish translation]
Aşk nedir ? Canımı yakma bebeğim Daha fazla canımı yakma Canımı yakma bebeğim Daha fazla canımı yakma Aşk nedir? Neden orda olmadığını bilmiyorum Ben ...
What Is Love [Urdu translation]
Mohabbat kya ha Mujhay takleef mat do Mujhay aur takleef mat do Mujhay takleef mat do Mujhay aur takleef mat do Mohabbat kya ha Mujhay pata nahi tum s...
What Is Love [Vietnamese translation]
Yêu là gì Baby đừng làm khổ tôi Đừng làm đau tôi nữa Baby đừng làm khổ tôi Đừng làm đau tôi nữa Yêu là gì Tôi không biết tại sau em lại không ở đây Tô...
Breakaway lyrics
Breakaway Breakaway We gotta breakaway Modern people Want to live in a modern life Though they trick and take Rip and rape Destroy the things that are...
Catch a Fire lyrics
Me and you, ooh In the heat of the sun Our life has begun Like a flame Me and you, ooh All alone in the sand I will burn in your hand And sould my wil...
Come Back [Love Has Got A Hold On Me] lyrics
I stay, I decide I never wanted to see your face again But when you passed me by I was back on fire [Refrain:] Love, love has got a hold on me (Baby, ...
Fly Away lyrics
It's a dream of worlds in motion And another place and time I guess I'm feeling lost In the home I thought was mine It's a universal notion Life is ju...
Fly Away [Romanian translation]
E un vis al lumilor în mişcare Şi un alt loc şi timp, Cred că mă simt pierdut În casa pe care-o credeam a mea. E o noţiune unuversală: Viaţa e doar un...
I miss you lyrics
[ i know if you could hear me you would Say there are always two sides of a story You're so right, here's mine I cannot live without you ] Love was ne...
I miss you [Romanian translation]
Eu aş ştii, dacă TU ai putea să mă auzi Ai spune, că există două feţe ptr. fiecare poveste Ai dreptate, aici e a mea. Nu pot trăi fără tine. Dragostea...
I miss you [Serbian translation]
[Znam, samo da si me mogla čuti ti bi mi rekla da uvek postoje dve strane priče Ti si tako u pravu, ovo je moja Ne mogu živeti bez tebe] Ljubav nije b...
Life lyrics
Life, life will never be Life, life will never be the same Time is getting cold What is going on? What is on your mind? Are your feelings gone? Need t...
Life [German translation]
Das Leben, das Leben wird niemals Das Leben, das Leben wird nie mehr dasselbe sein Die Zeit wird kalt Was ist los? Was beschäftigt dich? Sind deine Ge...
Life [Spanish translation]
La vida, la vida nunca La vida, la vida nunca volverá a ser la misma El tiempo se está haciendo frío ¿Qué sucede? ¿Qué estás pensando? ¿Ya no sientes ...
Lover Be Thy Name lyrics
Lover, lover Lover be thy name I say Hey, hey, hey lover Lover, lover Lover be thy name Everyday when the sun goes down And all alone I face the night...
My Love Is For Real [feat. Wolfram] lyrics
Say it love Say what you feel Say it love Say what you feel My love My love My love is for real Say what you want Say what you need My love is for rea...
Rock My Heart lyrics
Rock my heart... Rock my heart... Rock my heart... Celebrate, celebrate fatality, Free your mind, do just what you want to, You and I celebrate a spec...
Rock My Heart [Romanian translation]
Leagănă-mi inima... Leagănă-mi inima... Leagănă-mi inima... Celebrează, celebrează fatalitatea, Eliberează-ţi mintea, fă doar ceea ce-ţi doreşti. Tu ş...
What About Me lyrics
What about me? What about me? You stepped into my life Doing things to me That I can't explain. Think twice, Baby, This ain't no game! If you can't co...
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