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La Quinta Estación lyrics
Algo más [Croatian translation]
Ponekad mislim da ti lažem kada ti kažem da te volim jer ovo više nije ljubav Ponekad mislim da sam mrtva kada te nema, a ja se probudim jer znam da o...
Algo más [English translation]
Sometimes I think I am lying to you When I tell you that I love you Because this more than just loving Sometimes I think that I have died When you are...
Algo más [English translation]
Sometimes I think that I'm lying to you when I tell you that I love you because this is no longer love. Sometimes I think that I have died when you're...
Algo más [English translation]
Sometimes I think that I'm lying to you when I tell you that I love you because this is no longer love Sometimes I think that I died when I wake up an...
Algo más [English translation]
sometimes i think i lie to you when i tell you that i love you because this is not love anymore sometimes i think i have died when you are not and i w...
Algo más [French translation]
Parfois, je pense que je te mens Quand je te dis que je t'aime Car ce n'est pas de l'amour. Parfois je crois que je suis morte Quand tu n'es pas là et...
Algo más [Serbian translation]
Ponekad mislim da te lazem, kada ti kazem da te volim, zato sto ovo vise nije ljubav. Ponekad verujem da sam umrla, kada nisi tu i ja se probudim, zat...
Busco tu piel lyrics
Busco silencio en esta ciudad que nunca duerme busco las respuestas muy dentro de mi mente no veo nada más que la lucha por ser el mas fuerte no creo ...
Busco tu piel [English translation]
I'm looking for silence in this city that never sleeps I'm looking for answers deep down in my mind I don't see anything else but the fight to be the ...
Cinco Estaciones lyrics
Sobre un papel en blanco esta escrito el futuro Con letras que nos hacen ver Que con mas tiempo y esfuerzo podemos ser uno Promesas que mueren antes d...
Cinco Estaciones [English translation]
Over a blank page the future is written, with a handwriting which make us see, that with time and effort, we can become one. Promises who die before t...
Cosas de dos lyrics
Nada cierto, nada nuevo nada más que lo que quieras escuchar En un pequeño instante en un momento de debilidad El mismo error constante un paso adelan...
Cosas de dos [English translation]
Nothing true, Nothing new, Nothing else except whatever you want to hear In a small instant, in a moment of weakness The same mistake, one step forwar...
Cosas de dos [English translation]
Nothing true, nothing new nothing more than whatever you want to hear In a short instant, in a moment of weakness The same constant error, one step fo...
Cosas de dos [Portuguese translation]
Nada certo, nada novo, nada mais que você queira ouvir Em um pequeno instante, um momento de fraqueza O mesmo erro persiste, um passo para frente e do...
Daría lyrics
Daría lo que fuera por tener tan solo unos segundos para desaparecer, pero sigo tan visible como ayer. Daría lo que fuera por saber que el suelo sigue...
Daría [English translation]
I'd give anything to have just a few seconds to disappear but I'm still visible just like yesterday I'd give anything to know that the floor is still ...
Daría [English translation]
I would give what was to be had Only a few seconds to disappear But I'm still as visible as yesterday I would give what was to be known That the groun...
Daría [French translation]
je donnerais n'importe quoi pour avoir au moins quelques secondes pour disparaître mais je suis toujours aussi visible qu'hier Je donnerais n'importe ...
Daría [Greek translation]
Θα έδινα οτιδήποτε για να έχω μόνο μερικά δευτερόλεπτα για να εξαφανιστώ, αλλά εξακολουθώ να είμαι τόσο ορατή όπως χθες. Θα έδινα οτιδήποτε για να ξέρ...
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