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Paloma Faith lyrics
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Hungarian translation]
Azt mondom magamnak, hogy nem jelentesz nekem semmit És hogy, ami köztünk van, nincs hatással rám De amikor nem vagy itt, egyszerűen összeomlok Azt mo...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Italian translation]
Mi dico che non significhinulla Che quello che abbiamo non ha alcuna presa su di me Ma quando non ci sei semplicemente crollo Mi dico che non mi impor...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Italian translation]
Mi direi tu non significhi qualcosa Ma cosa abbiamo, non mi puoi resistere? Ma quando non ci sei tu, mi sbriciolo solo Mi dico che non mi interessa ni...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Macedonian translation]
Си кажувам на себе си не ми значиш ништо Ова што ние го имаме не може да се задржи на мене Но, кога не си тука се распаѓам Си кажувам дека не ми е гај...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Polish translation]
Powiedziałam sobie, że nic nie znaczysz I wszystko co mieliśmy, nie miało władzy nade mną Lecz kiedy cię nie ma po prostu się rozpadam Wmawiam sobie, ...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Romanian translation]
Îmi spun singură că nu a însemnat nimic Și ceea ce am avutnu mă poate influența, Dar când nu ești acolo, pur și simplu mă prăbușesc. Îmi spun singură ...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Serbian translation]
Говорим себи да ми ништа не значиш и да оно што смо имали не утиче на мене. Али кад ниси ту, ја се просто распаднем. Говорим себи да ми није толико ст...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Serbian translation]
Govorila bih sebi kako mi ništa ne značiš I da ono što smo imali meni ništa ne znači Ali kad ti nisi tu ja se slamam Kažem sebi da mi nije toliko stal...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Slovak translation]
Mohla by som si navrávať, že nič neznamenáš A to, čo je medzi nami, na mňa nemá dopad, Avšak keď tu nie si, rozpadávam sa Vravím si, že mi na tom až t...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Spanish translation]
Me digo a mi misma, tu no significas algo. Pero lo que tenemos no puede mantenerte conmigo? Pero cuanto no estas ahí, Yo me derrumbo Me digo a mi mism...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Swedish translation]
Jag säger att du kvittar helt för mig Att det vi har, är inte alls nån grej Men utan dig här går jag sönder Jag bryr mig inte alls vad du gör Men kan ...
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Turkish translation]
Kendi kendime söylerdim , onun benim için birşey ifade etmediğini, Ama bak şimdi ne oldu,kendime sahip çıkamıyorum.. Sen orada olmadığında ben yalpalı...
Other Woman lyrics
Please ignore the sadness in my eyes Don't ask me if I'm alright If you do, my tears will overflow Emotions I cannot control Let it go 'Fore I change ...
Other Woman [Turkish translation]
Gözlerimdeki üzüntüyü görmezden gel lütfen Sorma bana iyi miyim Eğer sorarsan, akacak göz yaşlarım Duygularımı kontrol edemiyorum Bırak gitsin Ben fik...
Picking Up The Pieces lyrics
Do you think of her? When you're with me? Repeat the memories you made together Whose face do you see? Do you wish I was a bit more like her? Am I too...
Picking Up The Pieces [French translation]
Do you think of her? When you're with me? Repeat the memories you made together Whose face do you see? Do you wish I was a bit more like her? Am I too...
Picking Up The Pieces [Greek translation]
Do you think of her? When you're with me? Repeat the memories you made together Whose face do you see? Do you wish I was a bit more like her? Am I too...
Picking Up The Pieces [Hungarian translation]
Do you think of her? When you're with me? Repeat the memories you made together Whose face do you see? Do you wish I was a bit more like her? Am I too...
Picking Up The Pieces [Italian translation]
Do you think of her? When you're with me? Repeat the memories you made together Whose face do you see? Do you wish I was a bit more like her? Am I too...
Picking Up The Pieces [Polish translation]
Do you think of her? When you're with me? Repeat the memories you made together Whose face do you see? Do you wish I was a bit more like her? Am I too...
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