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Slade lyrics
Nobody's Fool [Russian translation]
Пусть с небес грохочет – ху на ны! Пусть грабёж повстанцев/бунтарский -- ху на ны! И оставь рык львов ты -- ху на ны! Ливень пусть хлыстает -- ху на н...
Ooh La La In L.A. lyrics
Whiplash in the dead of night And down on Sunset dynamite Blinding lights on the Marquee shining bright There's George on his knees again On the town ...
Ooh La La In L.A. [German translation]
Schleudertrauma in tiefer Nacht Und weiter im Dynamit des Sonnenuntergangs Blendende Lichter auf dem Festzelt leuchten hell Da kniet George schon wied...
Ooh La La In L.A. [Italian translation]
Colpo di frusta nel cuore della notte E giù sulla Dinamite del Tramonto Luci accecanti che brillano luminose sul tendone Ecco George, di nuovo in gino...
Ooh La La In L.A. [Russian translation]
Щелчком хлыста день сменила ночь На бульваре Сансет дозы в точь Огни "Маркей" отеля гонят сумрак прочь И снова Джордж на колено стал Перед самОй мисс ...
Radio wall of sound lyrics
Spoken: This is Rockin' Radio the Wall of Sound Stay tuned to this frequency! This is Rockin' Radio the Wall Of Sound The music that rocks The music t...
Radio wall of sound [Romanian translation]
Spus: Acesta este Radio Rock, zidul de sunet Rămâneţi pe această frecvenţă! Acesta este Radio Rock, zidul de sunet Muzica ce loveşte muzica ce şocheaz...
Rock and Roll Preacher [Hallelujah I'm on Fire] lyrics
Spoken: (well shouted actually) "Dearly beloved, brothers and sisters, we are gathered here tonight to join together this rock and this roll in ear-ho...
Rock and Roll Preacher [Hallelujah I'm on Fire] [German translation]
Gesprochen: (eher geschrien) “Geliebte Freunde, Brüder und Schwestern, wir sind hier heute Nacht versammelt, um uns in dieser Rock und dieser Roll im-...
Run Runaway lyrics
Hold on! I like black and white (dreaming of black and white). You like black and white... Run runaway. CHORUS See chameleon Lying there in the sun. A...
Run Runaway [German translation]
Wart mal! 1 Ich mag Schwarzweiß (Ich träume Schwarzweiß) 2 Du magst Schwarzweiß... Lauf, lauf doch weg (Refrain:) Schau dir das Chamäleon an Das dort ...
Run Runaway [Romanian translation]
Ţin-te bine! Îmi place negrul şi albul (să visez la negru şi alb) Îţi place negrul şi albul Hai, fuga, hai! Refren: Vezi cameleonul întins aici în soa...
Run Runaway [Russian translation]
Ну, не дрейфь! (Ну, держись!) Чёрно- белое... "Я контраст люблю". Любишь "Тои" (так же) ты... -- Прочь, прочь беги. Припев: Вот/Ха: хамелеон Солнышком...
Thanks for the Memory [Wham Bam Thank You Mam] lyrics
Cuma westas chickadee Have a housemaid on your knee Eat an apple ev'ry day An onion keeps ev'ryone away Have an athlete on your feet Have a lovesmell ...
The Bangin' Man lyrics
When you wake up in the mornin' And you can't remember much about the night before Then the lady who's beside you gets up She goes right out and locks...
The Bangin' Man [German translation]
Wenn du morgens aufwachst Und du dich nicht viel an letzter Nacht erinnern kannst Dann die Lady neben dir aufsteht Sie direkt raus geht und die Badezi...
This Girl lyrics
This girl ain't flying tonight this girl ain't trying tonight she's only turning over, that's what makes a rover think he ain't doin' it right. This g...
This Girl [Russian translation]
Эта девушка не убегает этим вечером, Эта девушка и не пытается сегодня, Она только отворачивается, Что и заставляет бродягу Думать, что он ведёт себя ...
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