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Smokie lyrics
Oh, Carol [Romanian translation]
Ei bine, mergeam cu viteza de croazieră era târziu şi mă simţeam pierdut când te-am văzut în drumul meu atât de nonşalantă, pariez că vei primi ceea c...
Oh, Carol [Russian translation]
Что же, я колесил по городу, Становилось поздно и с сходил с ума, Когда повстречал тебя на своем пути, Такую беспечную, Готов поспорить, ты получаешь ...
Rock 'N' Roll Woman lyrics
She was out a looking dollars And she couldn't pay the dues She'd given back her old Cadillac And she'd nothing left to loose. So she crossed the dust...
Sally's Song [The Legacy Goes on] lyrics
Sally`s gone, and I still don´t know why, she left me in the morning, didn´t even say goodbye. I don´t know why she left me, don´t know where she is: ...
Sally's Song [The Legacy Goes on] [German translation]
Sally ist weg und ich weiß immer noch nicht warum, sie hat mich am Morgen verlassen, hat nicht mal "Tschüß" gesagt. Ich weiß nicht, warum sie mich ver...
Sally's Song [The Legacy Goes on] [Romanian translation]
Sally a plecat şi încă nu ştiu de ce m-a părăsit dimineaţa nici nu mi-a spus la revedere. Nu ştiu de ce m-a părăsit, nu ştiu unde e nu mi-a spus, doar...
Sally's Song [The Legacy Goes on] [Russian translation]
Салли ушла, и я по-прежнему не понимаю, почему, она ушла утром, даже не сказав "до свидания". Я не знаю, почему она оставила меня и где она теперь: он...
San Francisco Bay lyrics
Maybe I'm a loner, maybe I'm a man Maybe I'm a fool, but try to understand I've been a dreamer, and I've been around And I've spent my time in many lo...
Something's Been Making Me Blue lyrics
Oh, love has shaken me, sometimes mistaken me This time it's making me hide Love has told on me, then got a hold on me Followed my heart to my pride O...
Something's Been Making Me Blue [Romanian translation]
Oh, dragostea m-a zbuciumat, uneori mi-a greşit de data asa m-a făcut să m-ascund Dragostea m-a turnat, apoi m-a ţinut în braţe urmându-mi inima până ...
Stranger lyrics
When the night has fallen and the moon is high, And you get that faraway look in your eyes, Oh, can't you see you're acting like a stranger, When your...
Stranger [Romanian translation]
Când noaptea a căzut şi luna e sus pe cer, iar tu ai acea privire pierdută în ochi Oh, nu poţi vedea că te porţi ca o străină? Când sentimentele tale ...
Sunshine Avenue lyrics
Sunshine Avenue we never knew Would only be in memory, But how are we to know what time can do. Sunshine Avenue will always be My Disneyland, Peppers ...
Take Good Care Of My Baby lyrics
My tears are fallin', 'Cause you've taken her away. And though it really hurts me so, There's somethin' that I've got to say Take good care of my baby...
Take Good Care Of My Baby [Romanian translation]
Lacrimi îmi curg fiindcă ai luat-o de lângă mine şi deşi mă doare foarte tare, un lucru tot ţi-aş spune: Ai grijă de iubirea mea, te rog, nu o întrist...
Think About the Night lyrics
When you close your eyes Think of what we had Don't feel sadness, don't feel shame 'Cause we had true romance Oh, we had it all A love so bright Like ...
Think About the Night [Hungarian translation]
Mikor becsukod a szemed Gondolj arra, amink volt Ne érezz szomorúságot, ne érezz szégyent Mert igazi, idilli volt a szerelmünk Ó, megvolt mindenünk Eg...
Think About the Night [Romanian translation]
Atunci când închizi ochii, gândeşte-te la ce-am avut Nu simţi tristeţe, nu simţi jenă fiindcă am avut dragoste adevărată... Da, am avut totul O dragos...
What Can I Do? lyrics
Every dream that I dream Seems to float on by Like a cloud in the wind Way up in the sky. Every move that I make Seems to be the wrong way Like a cold...
What Can I Do? [Hungarian translation]
Minden amit lényem álmodik Úgy tűnik körülöttem szétfolyik, Lebeg Mint egy szél fújta felleg. Minden tettem Hibásnak tűnik, éreztem, akár egy hideg sö...
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