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Smokie lyrics
It's Your Life lyrics
Who said the web of life is woven in a dream 'Cause your life is filled with dreams you can't believe? So the only way you live with it is acting ever...
It's Your Life [German translation]
Wer hat gesagt, das Netz des Lebens sei in einen Traum verwoben, nur, weil dein Leben voller Träume ist, die du nicht glauben kannst? Die einzige Art,...
It's Your Life [Romanian translation]
Cine-a zis că pânza vieţii e ţesută într-un vis că viaţa-i plină de vise de necrezut? Aşa că singurul fel de a trăi e să joci fiecare scenă şi să-ţi j...
Jet Lagged lyrics
Jet lagged, whiped out Photographed, want to shout Criticised, a model life See me shaped before your eyes Look at me mamma Can you sense the situatio...
Julia lyrics
Julia you're making me cry Please wipe this tear from my eye Ooh, I love you give my life to you Julia you're making me cry, oh oh Julia you're making...
Lay back in the arms of someone lyrics
If you want my sympathy Just open your heart to me And you'll get whatever you'll ever need You think that's too high for you Oh baby, I would die for...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Bulgarian translation]
Ako iskash moyata simpatiya Prosto otvori sŭrtseto si za men I shte vzemesh ot kakvoto se nuzhdaesh Mislish , che e mnogo za teb. O, mila , az bikh um...
Lay back in the arms of someone [German translation]
Wenn du meine Sympathie haben willst, Dann öffne ganz einfach dein Herz für mich Dann kriegst du, was auch immer du brauchst Du denkst, das ist zu gro...
Lay back in the arms of someone [German translation]
Wenn du meine Sympathie haben willst Dann öffne einfach nur dein Herz für mich Dann kriegst du was auch immer du brauchst Du denkst das ist zu hoch fü...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Greek translation]
Εάν την συμπόνοια μου θες Απλά την καρδιά σου άνοιξε μου Και θα πάρεις οτιδήποτε έχεις ποτέ χρειαστεί Εσύ νομίζεις ότι αυτό είναι τόσο φτιαγμένο Ωω μω...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Hungarian translation]
az tetszik nekem ha eltalálod a szívem megkapsz mindent de mindent tőlem remélem megértesz mindent megteszek te érted ha ilyenre vágysz úgy mindig meg...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Italian translation]
Se vuoi la mia simpatia , Basta che mi apri il tuo cuore, Eavrai tutto quello di cui hai bisogno . Pensi che sia troppo per te , Oh cara , io per te m...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Romanian translation]
Îmi place când îmi atingi inima vei obține totul, dar totul de la mine Sper că înțelegi Oh, iubito, Voi face totul pentru tine dacă asa dorești, Știi ...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Romanian translation]
Dacă îmi vrei simpatia Doar deschideți inima pentru mine și vei primi orice tu vei avea nevoie vreodată te gândești că este prea mult pentru tine Oh d...
Lay back in the arms of someone [Vietnamese translation]
Nếu em muốn gợi anh lòng trắc ẩn Chỉ cần em mở trái tim cho anh Và em rồi sẽ có Mọi thứ gì em cần Em đừng nghĩ với em đó là điều quá đáng Ôi em bé bỏn...
Smokie - Living Next Door To Alice
Sally called when she got the word, And she said: "I suppose you've heard - About Alice". When I rushed to the window, And I looked outside, And I cou...
Living Next Door To Alice [Croatian translation]
Sally je zvala kad je čula, I rekla je: "Pretpostavljam da si čuo - Za Alice". Kad sam potrčao do prozora, I pogledao van, Jedva sam mogao povjerovati...
Living Next Door To Alice [Dutch translation]
Sally belde toen ze het hoorde Ze zei, ik denk dat je het wel gehoord hebt van Alice Toen ik naar het raam rende en naar buiten keek Kon ik mijn ogen ...
Living Next Door To Alice [Estonian translation]
Sally helistas, kui asjast kuulis ja ütles: "Oled vist juba kuulnud Alice'ist" Kui akna peale jooksin, ja välja vaatasin, ei suutnud oma silmi uskuda,...
Living Next Door To Alice [Finnish translation]
Sally soitti, kun kuuli uutisen, ja hän sanoi "Olet varmaan kuullut - Alicesta". Kun ryntäsin ikkunaan ja katsoin ulos, ja en ollut uskoa silmiäni, ku...
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