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Smokie lyrics
Be My Baby [Greek translation]
Τη νύχτα που συναντηθήκαμε το ήξερα, σε είχα τόσο ανάγκη Κι εάν μου δινόταν η ευκαιρία εγώ δεν θα σ' άφηνα να φύγεις ποτέ Λοιπόν δεν θα πεις οτι μ΄ αγ...
Be My Baby [Hungarian translation]
Az este találkoztunk, hiszem annyira szükségem volt rád És ha tehettem volna, el sem engedtelek volna Hát nem szeretnéd kimondani, hogy szeretsz? Pedi...
Be My Baby [Romanian translation]
În noaptea când ne-am întâlnit ştiam că am nevoie de tine şi dac-aş fi avut şansa, nu te-aş fi lăsat să pleci. Aşa că ai spune că mă iubeşti? Te-aş fa...
Be My Baby [Russian translation]
Я понял, что ты нужна мне, в тот вечер, когда мы повстречались, И если мне предоставится шанс, я никогда не отпущу тебя, Так почему бы тебе не сказать...
Belinda lyrics
If you should see my Belinda, Tell her I miss her so, And give all my love to Belinda, I want her to know. I want her, I need her, I love her, I didn'...
Belinda [Romanian translation]
Dacă o vei vedea pe Belinda mea, spune-i că mi-e dor de ea. Şi dă-i toată dragostea mea Belindei că vreau să ştie... O vreau, o doresc, o iubesc N-am ...
Boulevard of Broken Dreams lyrics
Walking in the rain, I can't believe the way I'm feeling; Lonely once again, could it be that I'm still dreaming; I thought I heard you talking, But d...
Boulevard of Broken Dreams [Romanian translation]
Mergând prin ploaie, nu-mi vine să cred ce simt, Singur încă o dată, oare visez? Mi s-a părut că te-aud vorbind, Dar înlăuntru-mi știu că inima asta m...
Changing All the Time lyrics
So you caught a glimpse of someone you once knew, And you seem to find it hard to face the truth. Ooh, but that don't make it right To be wanting me t...
Changing All the Time [Croatian translation]
Znači upao ti je u oko netko koga si nekad poznavao I otkrivaš da ti se teško suočiti s istinom. Ooh, ali to ne znači da je u redu Da me želiš večeras...
Changing All the Time [Romanian translation]
Deci, ai prins o frântură din cineva pe care ştiai cândva şi păreai să găseşti că-i greu să înfrunţi adevărul. Oh, dar asta nu-ţi face cinste să mă vr...
Do to me lyrics
If you find a new direction And if you feel that I'm the one Baby I'm too shy to mention The way you always turn me on If you need some close attentio...
Do to me [Serbian translation]
Ako pronađeš novi pravac I ako osjetiš da sam ja taj Dušo ja sam suviše stidljiv da pomenem Način na koji me uvijek napališ Ako ti treba nešto pažnje ...
Don't Play Your Rock 'N' Roll To Me lyrics
Don't play your rock'n'roll to me, That ain't the way it's meant to be, I ain't so blind that I can't see, Just let it lie, let it be. Well I know you...
Don't Play Your Rock 'N' Roll To Me [Russian translation]
Не пой свой рок-эн-рол мне ты – Он не такой, как должен быть. Не столь я слеп, чтоб не понять. Оставь, не трогай – проще лгать. Не играй свой рок-эн-р...
Everything A Man Could Need lyrics
Ain't got no trouble, laid on my mind Why worry about tomorrow, all the lonesome time Through stormy weather, come rain or shine There ain't no mounta...
For a Few Dollars More lyrics
Rich girl she buys her dreams It's a rich world behind the scenes Green eyes they tell it all The more she takes the harder they fall She ain't easy a...
For a Few Dollars More [Romanian translation]
Fată bogată, îşi cumpără visele; e o lume bogată în culise. Ochi verzi, asta spune tot cu cât ia mai mult cu atât mai greu cedează... Ea nu e simplă ş...
Here Lies a Man lyrics
Here lies a man, Hold him in your hand, Make a game, love, Just the same. Did you have to make him take the blame? Oh, it’s a shame. Can you explain W...
I Can't Stay Here lyrics
Open up your tired eyes And force yourself to smile, Yesterday was yesterday, It's gone, it's tomorrow now. It's here, it's tomorrow now. Now I must g...
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