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Smokie also performed lyrics
It Never Rains In Southern California [Hebrew translation]
עליתי על סיפון 747 מערבה לא חשבתי לפני שהחלטתי מה לעשות הו, הדיבורים האלה על הזדמנויות בפרסומות TV וסרטים צלצלו נכון בטח, צלצלו נכון נראה שאף פעם אין ...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Italian translation]
Ho abbordato un 747 diretto verso l'Ovest. Non ci ho pensato prima di decidere cosa fare. Oh, tutte quelle dicerie di opportunità, colpi di fortuna in...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Japanese translation]
西行きの747機に乗った 何をするべきか考えもしなかった テレビCMや映画などに 出られるかもしれないという話は 結果として真実だった 正しいものだったと思えた 南カリフォルニアでは雨が降らない そういう話を何度か耳にしたことがあった 南カリフォルニアでは雨が降らない だけどもお嬢さん 気をつけてよ...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Portuguese translation]
Entrei a bordo de um 747 rumo ao oeste Não pensei antes de decidir o que fazer Ooh, como se fala de oportunidades Pausas na TV e filmes Pareciam verda...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Romanian translation]
M-am urcat la bordul avionului 747 cu direcţia vest, Nu m-am gândit înainte de a lua o decizie, Oh, acea discuţie despre oportunităţi, Pauze publicita...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Russian translation]
Я на сел на самолёт 747 чтобы лететь на запад, Я не из тех, кто думает прежде, чем сделать. Все вокруг говорят о возможностях, Даже в рекламе по телек...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Spanish translation]
Estoy viajando en dirección al oeste No pensé antes de actuar Oh, aquellas charlas sobre oportunidades En películas y televisión ¿Serán verdad? De seg...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Spanish translation]
Subí a bordo de un 747 oeste no pensé antes de decidir qué hacer Ooh, que habla de oportunidades pausas de la televisión y películas sonaron verdadero...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Swedish translation]
Steg ombord en västgående 747 Tänkte inte innan jag bestämde vad jag skulle göra Ååh, den där diskussionen om möjligheter TV-reklam och filmer Lät rät...
It Never Rains In Southern California [Turkish translation]
batiya giden bir 747"ye bindim ne yapacagimakarar vermeden once dusunmedim ah bu firsat konusmalari TV aralari ve filmler dogru soylerler kesin dogru ...
It Never Rains in Southern California
Got on board a westbound 747 Didn't think before deciding what to do All that talk of opportunities T.V. breaks and movies Rang true, sure rang true S...
Lay Back in the Arms of Someone
If you want my sympathy Just open your heart to me You'll get whatever you'll ever need You think that's too high for you But oh baby, I would die for...
Needles and Pins
I saw her today I saw her face It was a face I loved And I knew I had to run away And get down on my knees and pray That they'd go away But still they...
Needles and Pins [French translation]
Je l'ai vue aujourd'hui J'ai vu son visage C'était un visage que j'aimais Et je savais Que je devais partir en courant Et me mettre à genoux et prier ...
Needles and Pins [German translation]
Hab' sie heut geseh'n Ich sah ihr Gesicht Ihr Gesicht, das ich einst liebte Und ich spürte, Ich musste dem entflieh'n, Und niederknien und beten, Dass...
Needles and Pins [Hebrew translation]
ראיתיה היום ראיתי את פניה פנים שאהבתי וידעתי הייתי צריך לנוס ולרדת על ברכי ולהתפלל שהם יתפוגגו אבל עדיין הם מתעוררים מחטים וסיכות בגלל כל גאוותי את הד...
Needles and Pins [Romanian translation]
Am văzut-o azi, i-am văzut chipul era un chip ce-mi plăcea şi ştiam că a trebuit să fug şi să îngenunchez şi să mă rog că se vor duce... Dar iar au în...
Jackie DeShannon - Needles And Pins
I saw him today, I saw his face It was a face I loved and I knew I had to run away And get down on my knees and pray-ay-ay That they'd go away But sti...
Needles And Pins [Italian translation]
L’ho visto oggi, ho visto la sua faccia, era una faccia che io amavo ed ho capito che dovevo scappare via e cadere sulle mia ginocchia e pregare che e...
Needles And Pins [Turkish translation]
Bugün onu gördüm, onun yüzünü gördüm O sevdiğim yüzdü, ve tanıdığım Kaçmak zorunda kaldım Ve dizlerimin üstüne çöküp dua ettim Onların gitmesi için Am...
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