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Harakiri for the Sky lyrics
The Graves We've Dug [Russian translation]
Это произошло в Декабре В те дни, когда становится печально без всякой причины, Незнакомцы пьют друг с другом напиток, называемый одиночеством, И этот...
The Traces We Leave lyrics
I can't remember why I left my hometown And why I moved to this city, that got me stranded by the tide I wonder who I was those days and who I'm going...
The Traces We Leave [Alternative Version] lyrics
No Man is an Island, entire of itself Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main The traces we leave are vague But they still catch sig...
This Life as a Dagger lyrics
It took me almost a year to come I thought I'd appear here prior Therefor shorter was the time Until I found the place you sleep Our past caught up wi...
Three Empty Words lyrics
There was a poem called "Loss" once carved into stones It had three words, but the poet scratched them out It was three empty words that once dug his ...
Time Is a Ghost lyrics
All those who were seen dancing Were thought to be insane By those who could not hear the music Who couldn't hear the silence sing Every sleepless nig...
Tomb Omnia lyrics
You never were aware of me since you died certain years before my birth I’m about your age now, soon to attain the days you lost your vital spark Alth...
Us Against December Skies lyrics
What if I were smiling And falling into your arms? Would you see then What I can see now? Tell me about the old days Us against December skies I've sp...
Us Against December Skies [Greek translation]
Tί κι αν χαμογελούσα Κι έπεφτα στην αγκαλιά σου; Θα έβλεπες εσύ τότε Όσα βλέπω εγώ τώρα; Μίλα μου για τα παλιά Για τους δυο μας ενάντια στου Δεκεμβρίο...
Viaticum lyrics
The depressions got worse And I buried all hope medication will change this fact A life a fevre dream is never worth to be lived A life bound in chain...
Voidgazer lyrics
To all those who acquiesced these scars Just because they loved the person holding the knife: It’s getting-even time… …for those I love, I’ll sacrific...
You Are the Scars lyrics
Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift It took me years to realize you teared my...
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