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Harakiri for the Sky lyrics
Fire, Walk with me [Greek translation]
Πώς μπορούμε να συγχωρήσουμε τους εαυτούς μας; Για αυτό που έχουμε γίνει; Πώς να σηκώσουμε αυτό το βάρος; Να εκτοπίσουμε τα πράγματα που έχουμε κάνει;...
Fire, Walk with me [Russian translation]
Как нам себя простить За то, во что мы превратились? Как нам тащить эту ношу? Как избавится от того, что мы наделали? Я так чертовски сильно тебя люби...
From Yesterday to Ashes lyrics
We walked through stony paths To avoid this crystal drought of doom But without taking one single look around We crashed right back in An episode of l...
From Yesterday to Ashes [Turkish translation]
Taşlı yollardan yürüdük Kıyametin bu kristal kuraklığından kaçmak için Ama etrafa bir kere bile bakmadan Hemen geriye atıldık Hayatın bir bölümü anlat...
Funeral Dreams lyrics
The poems I wrote for the last few years Were nothing, but vague prophecies But they abode what they promised So be careful what you wish for, you mig...
Gallows [Give ’Em Rope] lyrics
They caught us near the street, Like deer that takes refuge to the dark Always in our backs They snapped us in our weakest moments With broken legs yo...
Gallows [Give ’Em Rope] [Turkish translation]
Bizi sokağın yakınında yakaladılar, Karanlığa sığınan geyik gibiydik Hep arkamızda olanlar Bizi en zayıf anımızda yakaladılar Kırık bacaklarla fazla u...
Heroin Waltz lyrics
Somewhere there‘s a garden of everlasting love within me But I fear that all you can see are the scars that grace my skin These lightless walks will c...
Heroin Waltz [Russian translation]
Somewhere there‘s a garden of everlasting love within me But I fear that all you can see are the scars that grace my skin These lightless walks will c...
Homecoming: Denied! lyrics
I don’t think we will withstand this trip Along these paths cobbled with shards To tell you now makes me feel so heavy hearted But one night, this lif...
Homecoming: Denied! [Italian translation]
Non credo che resisteremo a questo viaggio Lungo questi sentieri acciottolati di cocci Dirtelo ora, mi fa sentire così pesante dal cuore Ma una notte,...
Homecoming: Denied! [Turkish translation]
Sanmıyorum, bu yolculuğa dayanacağımızı Kırıklar ve çatlaklarla dolu bu yol boyunca Şimdi bunları sana söylemek içimi parçalıyor Ama bir gece, bu haya...
I, Pallbearer lyrics
The view outside my window Changed a lot since I was a child Like all the years we buried, vanishing forever 'Cause also grief is just love with no pl...
I, Pallbearer [Greek translation]
Η θέα έξω από το παράθυρό μου Άλλαξε πολύ από τότε που ήμουν παιδί Όπως και όλα τα χρόνια που θάψαμε, για να χαθούν για πάντα Διότι ακόμα και η θλίψη ...
I’m All About the Dusk lyrics
Leave for the night And paint the stars Leave for the night Collecting scars Remember me? I’m back and I missed you The dead travel fast Meet me above...
Jhator lyrics
Sundown! A blood-red sunset And the curtain of night devours the light Somehow this gloaming looks like A painting of two worlds that collide As if yo...
Jhator [Turkish translation]
Gün batımı! Kan renkli manzara Ve ışığın gecenin perdeleri tarafından yutuluşu Hep olduğu gibi kasvetli görünüyor Çarpışan iki dünyanın resmi Sanki so...
Lungs Filled with Water lyrics
Capture the horizon, Dry tears with stale wine Try to turn thoughts into letters, Scream as loud as you can! This empty streets seem like A grace of w...
Lungs Filled with Water [Turkish translation]
Ufuğu yakalayın, Gözyaşlarınızı kurutun bayat şarapla Kelimelere dökmeye çalışın düşüncelerinizi, Ve olabildiğince yüksek sesle bağırın! Bu boş sokakl...
Manifesto lyrics
I took out my pen and pad and set to write my manifesto It was a one line poem said don't let nothing ever get you low There's a hole open to heaven a...
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