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Anggun featuring lyrics
Ensemble - Sa raison d'être
Elle en a vu de toutes les douleurs Elle est revenue de tant de combats Elle a tellement tendu son cœur Là où d'autres ont baissé les bras Elle dit qu...
Sa raison d'être [English translation]
She went through the mill She survived so many fights She reached out so hard with her heart1 when others just gave up. She says after meeting some st...
Mother lyrics
Don't be shy I know you need a place to hide. Mom is here and that's all right I'm on your side, on your side. It's time you cross the river to glory ...
Mother [German translation]
Sei nicht schüchtern Ich weiß, du brauchst einen Ort, dich zu verstecken Mama ist hier, und das ist in Ordnung Ich bin an deiner Seite, an deiner Seit...
Mother [Italian translation]
Non essere timido Lo so che hai bisogno di un posto in cui nasconderti. La mamma e' qui, e va tutto bene Sono al tuo fianco, al tuo fianco E' tempo ch...
Mother [Latvian translation]
Neesi kautrīgs Es zinu, ka tev vajag vietu, kur slēpties Mamma ir šeit un viss ir kārtībā Es esmu tavā pusē, tavā pusē. Ir laiks šķērsot upi uz slavas...
Mother [Tongan translation]
'Oua maa 'Oku ou 'ilo 'oku fiema'u koe ha potu ke toi Ko fa'ē eni pea 'oku sai pē ia 'Oku ou 'i ho'o tafa'aki, 'i ho'o tafa'aki. 'Oku taimi ke ke afe ...
La fiancée lyrics
Je suis la fiancée de celui que les anges serviront en tremblant toute l’éternité. La lune et le soleil racontent ses louanges, admirent sa beauté. Il...
La fiancée [English translation]
I am the fiancee of he whom the angels serve, all trembling, for all eternity. The moon and the sun recount his praises, admire his beauty. He has fur...
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