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Stereophonics lyrics
More Life In A Tramps Vest [Croatian translation]
Oči mi se počnu sklapati u posljednjim satima Zakašnjelii kupci kupuju karfiol Zbrku koju rade, pomislio bi da kupuju auto Uvijek nešto kukaju, kukaju...
Mr. Writer lyrics
You line them up Look at your shoes You hang names on your wall Then you shoot them all You fly around in planes That bring you down To meet me who lo...
Mr. Writer [Hungarian translation]
Felsorakoztatod őket, Ránézel a cipőidre Neveket akasztasz a falra Majd mindet lelövöd Repülőkön repülsz Amik úgy szállnak le Hogy találkozz velem, ak...
Mr. Writer [Russian translation]
Вы пишете строки, забыв надеть туфли Ваше собственное имя на вашей стене, и вам следовало бы знать, Вы летаете на самолетах, несущих вас на землю, Что...
Mr. Writer [Turkish translation]
Onları hizaya dizersin Şu ayakkabılarına bir bak Duvarında isimler vardır Sonra hepsini vurdun Seni aşağı düşüren Uçaklarla geziyorsun Seni seven benl...
Pedalpusher lyrics
Gotta get in on the scene hun Voice activate machine Got ya hair in a haircut You gotta fill up the dream Got ya finger on the pulse babe Got your roc...
Pedalpusher [Croatian translation]
Moraš se pojaviti na sceni, dušo Aktivirati svoju telefonsku sekretaricu Ošišala si se Moraš ispuniti svoj san Jesi li stavila svoj prst da provjeriš ...
She's Alright lyrics
Sandy was from out of town And I met her at the beach She drove a white Mondeo ride Which I thought was kinda cheap She danced a while and drank some ...
She's Alright [Croatian translation]
Sandy nije bila iz grada i ja sam ju upoznao na plaži. Ona je vozila bijeli Mondeo Ride, što sam smatrao nekako jeftinim. Plesala je malo i popila mal...
Stone lyrics
I don't know why I let you go You said you'd wait I said I'd hope you would We talked 'til late until we walked away What's meant to be will be the sa...
Stone [Croatian translation]
Ne znam zašto sam te pustio Rekla si da ćeš me čekati, ja sam rekao da se nadam da hoćeš Pričali smo dokasno dok se nismo razišli Ono što je predodređ...
Superman lyrics
[Chorus] You don't know what it's been like Meeting someone like you You don't know what it's been like Meeting someone like you You look like Jesus o...
Superman [Greek translation]
[Ρεφραίν] Δεν ξέρεις πώς ήταν η εμπειρία Να συναντήσω κάποιον σαν εσένα Δεν ξέρεις πώς ήταν η εμπειρία Να συναντήσω κάποιον σαν εσένα Μοιάζεις σαν τον...
Vegas Two Times lyrics
So it started with the immigration information bore You gotta know Gambling floor, then to the S-T you D-I-O 54 You gotta go Now we're leaving L-A-S V...
Violins and Tambourines lyrics
Looking out the window, staring at the road Doesn't really matter, which way to go Everything is changing, nothing ever seems, To stay the same Violin...
Violins and Tambourines [German translation]
Ich blicke aus dem Fenster, starre auf die Straße Es macht keinen Unterschied welchen Weg man geht Alles verändert sich, nichts scheint jemals Gleich ...
Violins and Tambourines [Russian translation]
Смотрю из окна, наблюдаю за дорогой На самом деле не так уж и важно, какой выбрать путь. Всё переменчиво, ничто не кажется вечным. Скрипки и Бубны, и ...
We Share the Same Sun lyrics
Calling over to seize my hunger To see you to feel you To be with need you We hold out we hold on I'm older colder Here it comes light up my sky [Chor...
We Share the Same Sun [German translation]
Rufe an um meinen Hunger zu stillen Um dich zu sehen, dich zu spüren Um bei dir zu sein, ich brauche dich Wir halten aus, wir halten durch Ich bin ält...
We Share the Same Sun [Turkish translation]
Açlığımı zaptetmek için yoklama yapıyorum Seni görmek için, seni hissetmek için Seninle olmak için, sana ihtiyaç duymak için Dayanırız, tutunuruz Daha...
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