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Stereophonics lyrics
Indian Summer [Romanian translation]
De fiecare data cand o vad O lumina fulgeratoare umple camera, Punctul slab al Parisului Ea canta melodia favorita Ea te va bea sub masa Ea iti va ara...
Indian Summer [Turkish translation]
Onu her gördüğümde, Odayı şimşekler doldurur, Paris'in karanlıklarında, En sevdiği şarkıyı söyler, Seni masanın altında içer, Bir iki hareket gösterir...
It Means Nothing lyrics
Did we lose ourselves again? Do we take in what's been said? Do we take the time to be, All the things we said we'd be? And we bury heads in sand, But...
It Means Nothing [French translation]
Nous sommes nous perdus a nouveau? Devons nous prendre en ce qui a ete dit? Avons nous pris le temps pour etre tout ce qu'on a voullu devenir et enter...
It Means Nothing [German translation]
Haben wir uns wieder verloren? Verinnerlichen wir das gesagte? Nehmen wir uns die Zeit All die Dinge zu sein die wir sagten wir würden sie sein? Und w...
It Means Nothing [Greek translation]
Χάσαμε τους εαυτούς μας πάλι; Λαμβάνουμε υπόψη αυτά που έχουν ειπωθεί; Παίρνουμε τον χρόνο για να είμαστε, Όλα αυτά που είπαμε ότι θα είμαστε; Και θάβ...
It Means Nothing [Hungarian translation]
Újra elveszítjük magunkat? Elfogadjuk azt, amit mondtak? Szakítunk időt arra, hogy éljünk? Annyi mindent mondtunk, hogy majd mivé válunk, És most fejü...
It Means Nothing [Italian translation]
Ci siamo persi ancora? Accettiamo cosa è stato detto? Prendiamo tempo di essere Tutte le cose che abbiamo detto saremmo E seppelliamo le teste nella s...
It Means Nothing [Serbian translation]
Da li smo se ponovo izgubili Prihvatamo li ono što je rečeno Da li koristimo vreme da budemo Sve što smo rekli da ćemo biti I zarili smo glave u pesak...
It Means Nothing [Spanish translation]
¿Volvimos a perdernos? ¿Internalizamos lo que se ha dicho? ¿Tomamos el tiempo para ser, todo lo que dijimos que seríamos? Y nos negamos a enfrentar lo...
It Means Nothing [Turkish translation]
Yine mi kaybettik kendimizi? Söylenenlere inandık mı? Olacağımız her şeyi olmaya Vakit ayırıyor muyuz? Sadece kafamızı kuma gömüyoruz* Ama geleceğim b...
Lolita lyrics
Oh I stepped off the train at dawn Walked along an open road To find you Oh you made beds at the gold motel Sold junk at the carousel To bind you Lo.....
Maybe Tomorrow lyrics
I've been down and I'm wondering why These little black clouds Keep walking around With me With me It wastes time And I'd rather be high Think I'll wa...
Maybe Tomorrow [Greek translation]
Έχω τις κακές μου και Αναρωτιέμαι γιατί Αυτά τα μικρά μαύρα σύννεφα Συνεχίζουν να υπάρχουν Γύρω μου Γύρω μου Σπαταλάει χρόνο Και καλύτερα να είμαι μασ...
Maybe Tomorrow [Hungarian translation]
Mélyen vagyok, és azon csodálkozom, miért vannak ezek a kis fekete felhők velem velem Pocsékolom az időmet szívesebben lennék boldog Azon gondolkozom,...
Maybe Tomorrow [Persian translation]
دلم گرفته بود و داشتم فکر میکردم این ابرهای سیاه کوچک مدام اطراف پرسه میزنند کنار من کنار من وقت تلف کردنه و بهتره سرحال باشم فکر کردم بیرون یه قدمی ب...
Maybe Tomorrow [Serbian translation]
Bio sam tužan i Pitam se zašto Ovi mali crni oblaci Nastavljaju dalje Sa mnom Sa mnom To je gubljenje vremena A radije bih bio visoko Mislim da ću iza...
Maybe Tomorrow [Tongan translation]
Neu ongo'i loto mamahi pea Neu 'oku ou faka'ofo 'e fefe 'Oku kei lue takai holo 'A e 'ao lanu 'uli'uli ni Mo au Mo au. 'Oku maumau'i taimi ia Pea 'oku...
Maybe Tomorrow [Turkish translation]
Mutsuzdum ve Nedenini merak ediyorum Bu küçük siyah bulutlar Yürümeye devam ediyor Benimle Benimle Bu vakit harcatıyor Ve ben kafamın iyi olmasını ter...
More Life In A Tramps Vest lyrics
I get camping eyes in the final hour Last minute shoppers picking cauliflower The fuss they make, you'd swear they were buying a car They always moan,...
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