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Stereophonics lyrics
Nothing Compares To You
It's been seven hours and fifteen days Since you took your love away I go out every night and sleep all day Since you took your love away Since you've...
Nothing Compares To You [Croatian translation]
Prošlo je sedam sati i petnaest dana Otkad si uzela svoju ljubav Izlazim van svake večeri i spavam po čitav dan Otkad si uzela svoju ljubav Otkad si o...
100MPH lyrics
Is it heaven or hell at dawn? You're really goin' up or your goin' down Do you say your prayers late at night? Or do you save them for the desperate t...
100MPH [Turkish translation]
Beliren cennet mi yoksa cehennem mi? Sen gerçekten yükseliyor musun yoksa düşüyor musun? İbadetini geceleri yaptığını mı söylüyorsun? Yoksa onları dah...
All In One Night lyrics
One o'clock in the morning And I'm leaving from the club My friends are having a party Kind of feel I've had enough At two o'clock in the morning Sure...
All In One Night [Greek translation]
Μία το ξημέρωμα Και φεύγω από το κλάμπ Οι φίλοι μου κάνουν πάρτι Νιώθω πως έχω βαρεθεί Στις δύο το πρωί Σαφώς είμαι στο σπίτι που γίνεται το πάρτι Συν...
Best of You lyrics
I've got another confession to make I'm your fool Everyone's got their chains to break Holdin' you Were you born to resist or be abused? Is someone ge...
Best of You [Croatian translation]
I've got another confession to make I'm your fool Everyone's got their chains to break Holdin' you Were you born to resist or be abused? Is someone ge...
Brother lyrics
Won't you take your words, brother? Won't you mind your world, brother? I find you so offensive, punk Won't you take my word, brother? I tell you no l...
Bust This Town lyrics
If you got the money I've got the feeling that You got something to say to me honey I'm loving the weather It's now or it's never We can bust this tow...
Could you be the one? lyrics
Every little thing you do is magic lately Every single thing that you do is cool Every little thing you do is tragically hip Even when you tend to pla...
Could you be the one? [German translation]
Jede Kleinigkeit die du tust ist in letzter Zeit so magisch Jede Kleinigkeit die du tust ist cool Jede Kleinigkeit die du tust ist auf tragischerweise...
Daisy Lane lyrics
Outside it's summer, indoors it's cool It's just after 3pm, I see kids leaving school Policeman are walking, walking in lines Tight side by side A you...
Dakota lyrics
Thinking about thinking of you Summertime think it was June Yeah think it was June Laying back, head on the grass Children grown having some laughs Ye...
Dakota [French translation]
Je pense à penser à toi L'été, je pense que c'était juin Oui, je pense que c'était juin Décontracté, tête sur l'herbe Enfants grandis se rigolent Oui,...
Dakota [Greek translation]
Σκέφτομαι, σκέφτομαι εσένα Καλοκαίρι, νομίζω ήταν Ιούνιος Ναι, νομίζω ήταν Ιούνιος Ξαπλωμένος πίσω, κεφάλι στο γρασίδι Μεγάλα παιδιά γελούσαν Ναι, γελ...
Dakota [Portuguese translation]
Pensando em pensar em você Era verão, acho que era junho É, acho que era junho Relaxado, cabeça na grama Crianças crescidas dando umas risadas É, dand...
Dakota [Romanian translation]
Gandindu-ma despre,gandindu-ma la tine Vara,cred ca era iunie Da,cred ca era iunie Relaxandu-ma,capul pe iarba Copiii crescand avand niste rasate Da a...
Dakota [Serbian translation]
Размишљам о мислима о теби Лето, мислим да је био јун Да, мислим да је био јун Лежећи на леђима са главом на трави Одрасла деца се лепо проводе Да, ле...
Dakota [Spanish translation]
Pensando en, pensando en ti Verano, creí que era junio Yeah creí que era junio Recostado, con la cabeza en el pasto Los niños creciendo con algunas so...
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