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Abney Park lyrics
Downtrodden lyrics
Once I was complete With the earth firm under my feet My back was strong, my body fleet And now I ache all over Now I ache all over I learned each vir...
Downtrodden [French translation]
A une époque j'étais bien Avec la terre ferme sous mes pieds. Mon dos était solide, mon corps rapide Et maintenant j'ai mal partout Maintenant j'ai ma...
Fight or Flight lyrics
I fear what they'll do if they find I've escaped I fear what they'd say if they find I play, I'd get scraped They want you to think it's possible to l...
Gimme a Reason lyrics
Lived this life to the fullest Got no obligations stronger than this 'Cause if you can't find a way, be happy All the rest you should dismiss Gimme a ...
Gimme a Reason [Czech translation]
Lived this life to the fullest Got no obligations stronger than this 'Cause if you can't find a way, be happy All the rest you should dismiss Gimme a ...
Golden Cage lyrics
The cage door was thrown open And the slave was shoved outside He saw the grass, the fields and waters And he looked for a way to hide Sleepless night...
Golden Cage [Czech translation]
The cage door was thrown open And the slave was shoved outside He saw the grass, the fields and waters And he looked for a way to hide Sleepless night...
His imaginary world lyrics
A young boy Playing all alone In an imaginary world In his father's home He escaped from family Hid from terrifying life His imaginary world Sheltered...
His imaginary world [French translation]
Un jeune garçon Jouant tout seul Dans un monde imaginaire Dans la maison de son père Il s'échappa de sa famille Se cacha de sa vie terrifiante Son mon...
His imaginary world [German translation]
Ein kleiner Junge Spielt ganz allein In einer imaginären Welt Zuhause bei seinem Vater Er ist der Familie entkommen Versteckte sich vom schrecklichen ...
His imaginary world [Russian translation]
Молодой мальчик Играет в одиночку В воображаемый мир В доме своего отца Он убежал из семьи Скрывался от ужасающей жизни Его воображаемого мира Укрывал...
Holy war lyrics
Death hue falling on the faces of the streets' lost children as the mortar fire broke in Nights cold, slipping through the cracks--breaking through th...
Holy war [French translation]
Une nuance de mort tombait sur les visages des enfants des rues perdus tandis que les tirs de mortiers pénétraient. Nuits froides, glissant à travers ...
I've Been Wrong Before lyrics
I don't believe in UFOs and little men from Mars I don't believe in magic lamps bought at junk bazaars I don't believe the world will ever be without ...
I've Been Wrong Before [Greek translation]
Δεν πιστεύω σε UFO και μικρά ανθρωπάκια από τον Άρη Δεν πιστεύω σε μαγικές λάμπες αγορασμένες σε παζάρια Δεν πιστεύω ότι ο κόσμος θα υπάρξει ποτέ χωρί...
I've Been Wrong Before [Spanish translation]
No creo en extraterrestres ni hombrecillos de Marte No creo en lámparas mágicas en bazares de basura No creo que en el mundo no vayan a haber guerras ...
In time lyrics
From the moment they met they were in love A love as deep and strong as the sea His hug fit her just like a glove And when she saw him she sparkled wi...
In time [Dutch translation]
Vanaf het ogenblik dat zij elkaar ontmoetten waren zij verliefd / Een liefde zo diep en sterk als de zee Zijn knuffel paste haar precies als een hands...
In time [French translation]
Dès qu'ils se rencontrèrent ils tombèrent amoureux, Un amour aussi profond et fort que la mer. Ses câlins lui allaient juste comme un gant Et quand el...
Inside the Cage lyrics


Guard alert: escape, block six-one-six

Guard alert: escape, block six-one-six

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