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John Grant lyrics
You could probably say I'm difficult I probably talk too much I overanalyse and overthink things; Yes, it's a nasty crutch I'm usually only waiting fo...
GMF [Spanish translation]
Tal vez digas que soy alguien difícil Tal vez hablo demasiado Sobreanalizo y pienso demasiado las cosas Sí, es una desagradable muletilla Normalmente ...
Glacier lyrics
You just want to live your life The best way you know how But they keep on telling you That you are not allowed They say you are sick That you should ...
Glacier [Chinese translation]
你只是想過自己的人生 以你所知最好的方法過活 但他們不停告訴你 你是不被允許的存在 他們說你有病 你是寡廉鮮恥之徒 千夫所指 唯你是問 有那麼些日子 人們 既汙穢齷齪又叫人信服 他們說些不可置信的事 來刺傷你 讓你畏怯 他們還說字字句句 是上蒼的旨意 他們真的以為 所作所為都是慈愛 這苦痛 像冰河侵...
I Hate This Town lyrics
Horrifying as it was for me To see your face today I guess I knew that it Would happen at some point And I dreaded it because I knew That you would be...
I Hate This Town [German translation]
Erschreckend wie es für mich war, dein Gesicht heute zu sehen Ich schätze ich wusste, dass es irgendwann passieren würde Und ich fürchtete mich davor,...
I Wanna Go to Marz lyrics
One two three four... Bittersweet strawberry marshmallow butterscotch Polarbear cashew dixieland phosphate chocolate My tutti frutti special raspberry...
I Wanna Go to Marz [Chinese translation]
一 二 三 四 苦甜的草莓 軟軟的棉花糖 鹹鹹的奶油糖果 北極白熊 香脆腰果 迪克西蘭爵士樂 磷酸鹽 巧克力 青檸 什錦水果 覆盆子果凍 留給我吃掉 三樣恩賜 蘇格蘭威士忌調酒 櫻桃雞尾酒 凍檸派 我想去Marz 喝著青檸氣泡水 成年十六歲 在慶祝後等你迎接甜美 我想去Marz 你今晚將享用金粉星冰...
I Wanna Go to Marz [German translation]
Eins Zwei Drei Vier... Zartbitter Erdbeere Marshmallow Butterbonbon Eisbär Cashewnuss Dixieland Phosphat[1] Schokolade Meine Tutti Frutti[2] Spezial-H...
I Wanna Go to Marz [Indonesian translation]
Satu, dua, tiga, empat... Stroberi manis nan pahit, marshmallow, butterscotch Kacang polarbear, dixieland, fosfat, coklat Raspberry rasa tutti frutti ...
It's Easier lyrics
I don't know who I thought I was I guess I tried to love you Because I thought I could afford To take the risk and take a chance I do not know who I t...
It's Easier [German translation]
Ich weiß nicht, wer ich glaubte zu sein Ich schätze ich versuchte dich zu lieben Weil ich dachte dass ich es mir leisten könnte Das Risiko einzugehen ...
Pale green ghosts lyrics
Back then I often found myself Driving on the road at night And the radio was broadcasting the ocean Warm late spring wind whips through my hair I am ...
Pale green ghosts [Japanese translation]
振り返って 私はよく自分を見る 夜車を運転して ラジオは海のことを放送している 暖かい晩春の風が私の髪をなでる 私は今ここにいる でもあそこに行きたい この世の誰も私を止められない 5月末の青白い幽霊 この黒い高速道路の兵士が 私にいるべき場所を教える 青白い幽霊はよく気をつけないといけない 空中に...
Pale green ghosts [Serbian translation]
Tada sam se često uhvatio Kako noću vozim po putu I radio je prenosio okean Topli, kasni prolećni vetar mi duva kroz kosu Ja sam ovde, ali želim da bu...
Queen of Denmark lyrics
I wanted to change the world But I could not even change my underwear And when the shit got really really out of hand I had it all the way up to my ha...
Queen of Denmark [German translation]
Ich wollte die Welt verändern Aber ich konnte nicht einmal meine Unterwäsche wechseln Und als die Scheiße wirklich völlig aus dem Ruder lief Stand sie...
Sigourney Weaver lyrics
When I woke up today, the air was very strange I couldn't feel my skin and there was evil in my bones I tried to speak but found that I didn't have a ...
TC and Honeybear lyrics
For TC and his Honeybear The world will not stop moving Roundezvous and longing stares And hearts that won't stop burning Before that Honeybear had gi...
TC and Honeybear [German translation]
Für TC und seinen Honigbär Wird die Welt nicht aufhören sich zu drehen Rendezvous und sehnsüchtige Blicke Und Herzen die nicht aufhören werden zu bren...
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