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Lena Katina lyrics
Fed up [German translation]
Der Montag tötet, Der Dienstag ist scheiße wie immer So hat meine Woche hat begonnen Jemand hält mich auf, der Fallschirm versagt Ich habe es satt Wer...
Fed up [Latvian translation]
Pirmdiena nogalina, Otrdiena draņķīga, kā vienmēr Tātad mana nedēļa ir sākusies Kāds apturiet mani, izpletnis krīt Man viss ir piegriezies Mētājos un ...
Fed up [Portuguese translation]
A segunda é de matar, A terça é uma droga, como sempre Assim começa a minha semana Alguém me pare, o paraquedas está falhando Estou farta! Virando de ...
Fed up [Russian translation]
Понедельник убивает Вторник - отстой, как всегда Итак, моя неделя началась Кто-то остановит меня, сбой парашюта Сыта по горло Ворочаясь Моя жизнь на у...
Fed up [Spanish translation]
Lunes- horrible, Martes es mierda siempre, Asi, mi semana ha empezado, Alguien- me detenga! La paracaída no funciona, Estoy enojada! Inquieta, me giro...
Golden Leaves lyrics
It keeps on raining on the streets Then the mud just sticks all over me Like the fog upon the city lights beneath Shinning on the golden leaves Coveri...
Golden Leaves [Bulgarian translation]
Продължава да вали на улицата Тогава калта просто просто полепва върху мен Като мъглата над светлините на града Блестят на златните листа Покрива пъте...
Golden Leaves [Russian translation]
На улице продолжается дождь, И грязь прямо прилипает ко мне Как туман к фонарям города там внизу. Сверкая на золотистых листьях, Меряя дорожки шагами,...
Here I Go Again lyrics
You got me fell in love Here I go again I want to fly up high like I don't give a damn I'm feeling so alive I look straight ahead Got so much things t...
Here I Go Again [Spanish translation]
Me hiciste enamorarme Allá voy de nuevo Quiero volar alto como si no me importase en absoluto Me siento muy vivo Miro hacia delante Tengo muchas cosas...
I know lyrics
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
I know [French translation]
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
I know [Hungarian translation]
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
I know [Icelandic translation]
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
I know [Portuguese translation]
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
I know [Russian translation]
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
I know [Spanish translation]
I know I know I know where to go I know I know I know where to go I have forgotten what it's like to walk alone Running around at night to find anothe...
IRS lyrics
Monday kills, tuesday sucks as always So my week has begun Someone stop me, the parachute's failing I'm fed up Tossing and tearing My life is on hold ...
IRS [Bulgarian translation]
Понеделник убива, вторник е гадно като винаги Така започна моята седмица Някой ме спря, парашута не се отвори До гуша ми дойде Подхвърляна и плачеща Ж...
IRS [French translation]
Lundi tue, mardi est à chier comme toujours Donc ma semaine a commencé Quelqu'un m'arrête le parachute s'effondre J'en ai marre ! Remuée et tournée Ma...
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